
Little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems

Yesterday the last Christmas present for this year was purchased. Among the things that the world's most perfect teenager has wished for Christmas are test tubes, chemical bottles, bottle caps, etc. Junior's paternal grandparents asked us if they could give him everything he wanted in chemistry for Christmas.

To ensure the quality of the products, my in-laws purchased the equipment from a manufacturer that supplies laboratories in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. His maternal grandparents will provide a room in one of the buildings next to their summer house that they will furnish as a mini-laboratory for him.

To make sure that Junior has no plans to manufacture alcohol, I contacted the manufacturer and asked if the products Junior wished for were for this particular purpose, but they reassured me and explained that the products are far too small to be used for anything other than hobby chemistry. My concern about having nurtured a bad boy at my bosom was replaced by the realization that he is a good guy.

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