
Time to make a decision

The closer I get to the end of Q1, the more I think about what values ​​I can accept in the margin of error to consider that they are within the tolerances. Given that I trade in foreign currency, the American dollar, I am not only affected by the downturns and upturns of the stock prices. My trade is also affected by brokerage and exchange fees.

These costs affect my purchasing power and thus my portfolio value. The percentage unit I set when calculating my future compound interest rate is below the actual percentage unit. Now I just have to decide what tolerance values ​​I am willing to accept in the document that shows my future compound interest.


Impossible mission

In the midst of all this chaos that currently exists, we have received some smaller dividends. Our plan to buy over time is firm. This means that this money will be put to use.

How we will be able to make acquisitions without looking at the value of the portfolios is a much more difficult task than writing scripts for a Blockbuster movie.

Sometimes it's nice not being able to work from home

Since yesterday, the world's most perfect child's school has been teaching via a platform. During breakfast this morning, he said that everything except the microphone on my iMac worked just fine.

I quickly searched the iMac for a built-in microphone. After testing it, I thought everything was in order. Just when I was about to go, Junior says the microphone still doesn't work. Since I almost had one foot outside the door already, I asked him to ask his dad for help instead. When I put on my shoes, I hear a loud discussion from the office.

My husband: "How should I be able to test the microphone when both it and the camera are turned off?"

My son: "I turned off the camera and microphone because you only have underwear and a t-shirt on. I don't want my classmates to see you in underwear and hear your sour morning mood!"

I closed the door and left.


He has so much to say

On average, it is said that a woman speaks 20,000 words a day while a man reaches up to 7,000 words. Of course there are exceptions and our son is one of them. I'm not lying, he can barely handle a day without 35,000 words. How he gets along with friends, handles school and golf is beyond my grasp.

We constantly evaluate our decisions so that they are in line with the market

Last night we decided to make a change to our future savings. Over a couple of months, we have repaid half of our joint monthly savings on our mortgage. As of this month, we have decided to do as we previously did and invest all the money in the stock market instead.

From a long-term perspective, given the huge downturn we have seen, we feel that it is financially more advantageous to acquire shares than to repay the mortgage.


The winner writes the history

It will be exciting to see which governments will be declared winners after this pandemic. It is very different in the actions between the countries in Scandinavia.

Norway has a strong treasury due to its oil deposits, has chosen to shut down schools and preschools.

Due to its incredibly high tax burden, Sweden should also be financially strong. Sweden keeps schools and preschools open.

In addition to closed schools and preschools, Denmark has also closed its border.

No changes to the plan, for now

We will not deviate from our plan but will continue with our acquisitions despite the troubled times. No matter how sad it is to see our holdings lose in value, it is even more sad not to have a large war fund on such occasions.

For us personally, this would have been an excellent opportunity to trade down the share price on many of our holdings. A little light in the tunnel is that we expect larger dividends within the next 6 weeks so I expect that we will be able to make some good acquisitions in the future.

This might come back to bite me some day

Young master Dewlar's school has closed due to the Coronavirus. Classes will be held via computers from Tuesday, until further notice. YMD was overjoyed and saw an extended ​​weekend ahead. Unfortunately for him, he has the mother from hell.

I woke him up as usual, gave him breakfast and made sure he brushed his teeth, washed himself and dressed. Then I gave him the sheets of math that I compiled last night when I had received the information that the school is closing and it will take 2 working days before the platform for teaching is started.


Given that I am 50 years old, I must not expose my heart to excessive stress...

At the moment it is almost a blessing that the dividends conspicuous by their absence so that you have no reason to log into the bank and accidentally see the actual portfolio value. I don't think this downturn would have been just as quick and profound 15 years ago because most of the players during that time did their stock trading at the bank offices as opposed to today when you just press a sales button sitting on the couch.


To kill two birds with one stone

In mid-February 2020, Denmark's largest bank, Den Danske Bank, introduced negative interest rates for some of their private banking customers.

To to be able to take part in from this, one must, beside living in Denmark:
Have a savings capital of DKR 750,000 if you do not have a Nemkonto at DDB
Have a savings capital of DKR 1,500,000 if you have a Nemkonto at DDB

There must be many Danes with large savings capital, which represents a big cost for DDB to get them to make such a drastic decision. It may be an opportunity for some Danes to make some acquisitions in a heavily price-adjusted stock market and at the same time avoid negative interest rates.

Own your faults

I always try to teach the world's most perfect child to own his own faults. Yesterday we received foreign tax from 2018. We had decided to move a large part of the amount to Nordea as they will refund the tax within 6 weeks.

For tax reasons I cannot withdraw the full amount so there was a larger amount left in the account. I invested part of the remaining amount because I am strongly driven by the fact that money must work all the time. Unfortunately, I counted wrong and the transfer could not be completed. It felt very hard to have to admit that I was wrong. It is not easy to practice what you preach.

Many doctors will be put to the test in the future

How heartless and unfair it may sound, it's all about math. The greater the outbreak of the Corvid-19 virus, the more brutal health care priorities we will experience. I do not envy those doctors who in the future will have to make unpleasant and cruel decisions regarding these priorities.

We who stand aside must do our best to understand that doctors make the absolute best decisions based on difficult medical situations. We must also keep in mind that they are also people and suffer from the decisions they make, even if they do not show it.


I've never seen so many red numbers at the same time

My entire depot shines redder than Santa's Santa costume. Although I am long-term in my investments and this is really a good opportunity to acquire additional holdings at a more fairly price, you must have a psyche of steel right now when you log into your accounts. I have increased my holding in, among others, NEWT and SCM.


Time brings everything to those who wait, I have to hope

It is so frustrating not to have a money chest when it is really needed. Actually, I would have had some extra cash through the refund of my foreign tax from 2018 but it is delayed. This, in combination with a meager dividend, provides a very modest money chest. This at a time when, in our opinion, many securities are worth buying.


What happened?

Exactly 23 days ago was the first time Junior was allowed to go to school by himself. Much has happened during these 23 days, apparently he and one of the girls he had over a "study day" decided to meet and go to school together.

He is mine baby boy, not hers babe. My husband has forbidden me to mention anything to the world's (maybe not so) most perfect child.

An annual tradition

Every year at this time you hear all people talk about the same thing, the final tax. It is those who get residual taxes who are annoyed or angry depending on the size of the amount. The opposite is the people who get money back. This group makes me puzzled. It's like they "get" money from the state.

The reality is that it was their money from the beginning that the state borrowed from them for free for a very long time. I am one of those losers who lent money to the state for free.


The experiment part XIII

One year into the experiment, the outcome of the change begins to become clear.

I estimate that it will take another year before I reach halfway, after which the pace will increase significantly.

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Little praise to Nordnet

Last night, 2 representatives from Nordnet contacted me via Twitter because they had found out about my dissatisfaction with Nordnet's customer service. Unlike the customer support's poor handling of my question, these two PR persons were very professional in their response. They improved my view of Nordnet, hats off to Nordnet.


The hunt continues

I expect to reach the same amount as for the entire 2017 dividends already on the last March this year. It would be great if the dividend development were as successful as 2018 every year.

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Monthly follow-up

After all the dividends of the month have finally entered the account, it is obvious that the outcome did not reach the forecast. Even though I knew I would not reach the goal, it still feels a little extra sad when it is set in stone. Although I want to reach the forecast every month, it is most important that I reach the forecast on an annual basis.

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How to make a customer feel unwelcomed

This year marks the first time that Nordnet will ensure that the foreign withholding tax is refunded to our account. When I spoke to customer service on Nordnet in this matter just over 2 weeks ago, they informed me that the money would be in my account on February 28 or 29.

After logging in to the account and having it confirmed that the money was not refunded, I called Nordnet. I got to talk to a young man on customer service who has a lot to learn about customer service. He informed in a very unpleasant way that they have no idea when they will pay out the money, quote "You have to wait and see" unquote.


Exciting to see where it stops

From sitting in a long uphill in the roller coaster we have obviously reached the top and are now on the way down. Why does the journey up to the top takes so much longer time than the fall back to the bottom. The advantage of an adjusted market is that the yield increases on acquisitions.

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This resolved faster than I expected

I had every intention to avoid my father for a long time. This had become a bit tricky considering he visits me at my job several times a week. Fortunately, he has had a lot to do with his work in recent weeks, so his visits have been few. After trying to find a number of credible reasons why we can't help my uncle (my uncle is not built for this) with his investments, it was resolved by itself. Sometimes a downturn in the stock market is good.

Overview of holdings

Since it was expensive during most of February, our new acquisitions have not changed our chart significantly.

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Why is it always a woman?

A female editorial writer named mrs. Jonna Sima Bank at one of Sweden's largest newspapers, Aftonbladet, writes in a tweet at X about a ...