
Swedish vs EU legislation

Due to sharply increased risk weights for loans for the construction of commercial real estate, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority requires that 3 of Sweden's largest banks increase their equity by just over 1.5 billion.

This, together with the fact that the banks have been taken with their fingers in the cookie jar regarding money laundering and thus have or will be sentenced to heavy fines, has meant that Swedbank, for example, has had to cut its dividend by almost 40%. Swedbank has been seen as being a generous and strong player will now see their brand edged.However, this reform is lacking support in upcoming EU legislation which will come into force by the end of 2020.

The outcome of this remains to be seen.


It will be better than I thought

The dividend from REML also came last Saturday. I still have about a dozen more dividends to receive this month. However, it is only NRZ and OXLC that will give me really good money.

For the dividends that came during the weekend we have acquired HCAP, MAC and SCM. The actual dividends for January will be larger than the forecast indicates.

Anyone who says that age is just a number is lying

Although we barely drank anything at the dinner last Saturday, we were significantly worn down yesterday. Apparently, we can't even be up late anymore. With the exception that we had to go down town and buy young master Dewlar his first suit, most of the day was spent on the couch.

This coming Friday they have a formal winter ball in school and the dress code is suit. Buying his first suit was not something that the offspring particularly liked.  How we will get him to wear it on Friday is a quite different matter.


My knight in shining armor

The world's most perfect child have realized that I am not looking forward to being 50 years. Tonight we are going home to good friends where the wife in the family has just turned 40. When Junior heard why we were going to them tonight he said quote "oh, you look much younger mom" unquote.

In normal cases I do not support a lie but I make an exception this time. It is also clear that he is much smarter than his dad.


A beautiful 🎵 morning 🎵

Today we received dividends from BDCL, CEFL, DVHL, MORL and SMHD. Two large dividends remain, NRZ and OXLC. At best we get them on Monday, at worst on Wednesday.

I hope that March, June, September and December have reached the level I set to be a weak dividend month instead of a bad dividend month by the turn of the year. Not even a crystal ball can tell me when my problem children, February, May, August and November, reach the level. To top it off is FRIDAY! Have a great weekend. 


We'll see how long this will last

Today, our new measures regarding our private finances began. I called our bank and made an extra payment on our mortgages with $600.

In addition, we acquired 40 shares in VET and 10 shares in SVC. The only thing that is business as usual is that we will receive dividends, more specifically 50% of the month's total dividends within the next 5 working days.

A small delay is to be expected

My compilation is based on payment day. My previous compilations have been based on the date dividends have been entered into my account. For us, Scandinavians, it takes a few extra days after payment day before we receive the dividends in the bank account.

This means that my summary of the month's dividend will not be finalized until the beginning of the following month instead of the last day of the current month. Once again, my patience is tested.


New year, new routines

The payday of the month is fast approaching. This will be the first time in a very long time that we have chosen to repay $600 on our mortgages instead of investing them on the stock exchange. In previous years, we have invested $1,200 on the stock exchange each month, from now on it will be $600 instead.

Currently, our apartment is mortgaged to 53% based on the purchase price 8 years ago. Since a revaluation is only a "photograph" of the market valuation being done in, we have no interest in doing so. The terms of our mortgages were good from the start. The real value is only obtained from a sale.


Two sides of the same coin

I do not look forward to celebrating 50 years, unfortunately it is very close in time. At the same time, I wait for a lot of dividends over the time up to and including the days after my birthday. In this situation I prefer that time is slow, very slow. Sadly, I think time will go extremely fast until my 50th birthday.


Sit back and enjoy the ride...

Generally speaking, the price trend in the stock markets after the turn of the year has been a bit crazy. Our portfolios have increased significantly in value since the turn of the year.

Just the value increase in our portfolios is more than 6% since the turn of the year. The feeling when you sit in the craziest ride in the amusement park and the staff have checked that you are properly strapped?! I feel a little like that now.

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Forecast vs. Results

In order to be able to determine a forecast and follow up on the development without having to administer myself to death, I have taken the annual dividend and divided it evenly on a monthly or quarterly basis.

This means that certain months that are really strong will be weak in my document compared with reality and vice versa. January is a strong dividend month, which means that some of the coming months are weaker than forecast.

A positive consequence of January being a strong dividend month is that this money has time to work several times before the end of the year and thus help mine in reality weaker months of the last part of the year.

He is a fast learner

Yesterday, the world's most perfect child and I looked at how his investment have developed since he bought them. The idea that he only gets $5 a week is because we want him to learn that sometimes you have to wait for things you want. Today, his own portfolio consists of 9 shares of GNL and cash worth $18. The portfolio consists of 98% equity and 2% value increase. 

When we looked at the diagram of the development he said quote "Oh I see, the red pie slice should be as small as possible" unquote. I like how he thinks.

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Sibling relationships can be complicated

We have a friend who, from the beginning of his relationship with his wife, said he had no siblings.

During their first years together, she lived in the delusion that he was an only child. After meeting his brother several years later, she understood why he had said what he said. As a sibling to three, all women, I can relate to the situation.


I am one of the lucky ones

Last year in January I was diagnosed by BPPV, loose crystals in the ear. This year I found lumps in my left breast. Before I got my test results, I was convinced that I would die of breast cancer. I'm one of the lucky ones, it was just fluid-filled cysts. I will skip January in the future.


Our list is longer than Santa's

Our list of interesting companies is growing, we currently have 86 companies on the list. Several could actually be removed as we who live in Europe are not allowed to buy them anymore.

The fact that I do not remove them is because I hope that we will be able to acquire them again in the future while keeping an eye on them. The last two additions are APLE and GLAD. Many companies we only keep an eye on, others we acquire.

My document looks more fair now

I was so happy, both for our dividends and that the information was retrieved between the various sheets, that I did not make a reasonable assessment of the stack of dividends.

My 12-year-old had, with a little critical eye, seen the absurdity of the great development of the stack marked "results" in just 4 days. See the difference several dividends and adjustments later... 

From the 4th of January 2020
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From the 16th of January 2020
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Patience is a virtue

To be our best dividend month of all time, the activity in the account is indescribably low. Only a small amount from AGNC has arrived in recent days. My document seems to be free of teething problems now.

If the document is completely flawless, I do not know until last January. The largest dividends have a payout day during the latter part of January.


Right back at me

That children don't do as you say but as you do, is not an understatement. When the world's most perfect child has done something bad I always say that I will always love him but not everything he does.

Junior is not fond of us showing intimacy in public. Today, his found us kissing outside his school. Tonight when he was going to sleep he hugged me and said quote "I love you, but not everything you do!" unquote.

Young master Dewlar's own account

Step 1 is completed, step 2 will now be initiated. That 50% of all money gifts should be deposited into a savings account is, almost, a matter of course for the world's most perfect child.

Now we will teach him how to place the money. To make the process more enticing, we will push him to buy monthly distributors so he gets dividends, rewards, as soon as possible. Step 1 took just over 1 year before it went off by itself. 

Step 2, to get an interest in investments, will probably take longer. His first and so far only acquisition is GLAD.

Below is the first chart of his portfolio.

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Not one of my proudest moments

In my work role, I am correct and have complete control over everything. In contrast to my role as mother and wife. Last fall, the world's most perfect child was invited to a birthday party. Junior was annoyed that we were late as usual and had to stress. In my defense we almost always arrive just in time, possibly a few minutes late.

When we arrive at the bowling alley where the party was held we didn't find his friends. After much searching, I called the parent listed on the invitation and asked where they were. She told me, very nice, that I was unfortunately a day early. I tried to get him to see the positive. We could just as well have been a day late.

Every little step helps

We have both large and small holdings. There are holdings that gives us $1,500 and then there are holdings that gives us less, much less. This morning there was a notification that AMZA had given me $7. Our holding in AMZA is very small, but all contributions are warmly welcomed.

Back to reality

We planned our trip to Copenhagen so we would be absent from work minimally. In total we were gone 3 working days. The day before we left was a holiday, we took the opportunity to work to reduce the workload when we returned

.Nevertheless, it took the whole week before we were up-to-date with the workload. Two of our smaller companies also have final accounts on December 31, which means a little extra work.


Payout day

If you ignore the first deposit that was slightly larger than on the agreed weekly payment, today was the first day that the world's most perfect child received his weekly allowance. Since we put $5 into his account every Friday, his experience will not come close to the one I got the first time I got my weekly money.

This money would be enough for my pleasures in the coming week. I know we are wrong when we do not let Junior plan his purchases himself. In the future, we will give him more money and let him manage his own budget. For now I want him to enjoy his childhood a little more.


The neverending story

Today we have received additional dividends from our investments in DX, PCI and PDI. After the correction I made yesterday, all figures now appear to be correct. I have tested and tested and tested the document over and over again. Why can the error never be to my advantage instead of my disadvantage?


Not the sharpest tool in the shed

I wanted to show off and impress the world's most perfect child my spreadsheet with all the links between the different sheets. At the EXACT same moment as I submit a fictitious dividend to show the change in the charts in the various sheets, I discover an error in the document.

In the sheet where I put in distributed dividends, I have failed to convert the dividend to US dollars. This meant that the dividends implemented were exchanged up to 10 times the money. Junior saw his chance to tell me as I say to him and he spontaneously exclaims quote "Mom, I thought more about you. I'm disappointed. Careless mistakes are not ok." unquote.

Below are the corrected charts with values ​​from today.

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A negative condition that turned out to be positive

One of the better Christmas presents we gave the world's most perfect child is his weekly allowance. $5 a week which he himself has to transfer to Avanza and trade a security for.

Together with us he will open an endowment insurance for minors where he makes acquisitions and follows the development of his holdings. One thing that has troubled me in this process is that he would ask for the money from previous birthday presents, Easter presents, Christmas presents and so on.

However, his "pre-tween brain" seems to play us right in our hands. Not once has he mentioned them. We will continue to manage that account for him.

It's a long way to go

Both in terms of time & dividends, but it was extremely gratifying to see the narrow green line after the weekend dividends. While I want time to go fast so we get more dividends and can make further acquisitions, I want to stop the time.

To celebrate 50 years is absolutely nothing that I look forward to. There's two sides to every coin.

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Last morning on Christmas holidays

It's the third day that I and the world's most perfect child are over trying to get up in time in the morning, with mixed results. Junior is indescribably easily awakened. I pat him slightly on his arm and say it's time to wake up.

He goes straight up without the slightest complaint. Sometimes he can ask for 5 minutes extra. His father aka the world's most perfect husband is the exact opposite. Although his morning humor has improved over time, it is far from good. My better half is not human until around 10 a.m.


At the end of the Christmas holiday

At the end of the Christmas holidays, it is a pleasure to, in addition to being free from work, also receive dividends on a Sunday morning, FSK, LADR, SLRC and SUNS.

It was a great start to the day to sit with the world's most perfect husband and place the payouts in the spreadsheet and watch the columns grow. The only thing that could top this off was that we were sitting on a balcony at Conrad in Fort Lauderdale, FL. instead of the sofa at home. This is how all days should start.


I'm happy 🎼 happy 🎼

The first dividends for the year have been received. It was DX, PFLT and PNNT that came to be the first building block in my spreadsheet where I can see our dividends in real time compared to the forecast. It's good to see my work bear fruit, especially after all the many corrections I've made.

Below are the first drafts.

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The experiment part XI

It is a nice feeling to see the column named "dividend" increase. When that column gets higher than the one named "original purchase", I'm happy. For the moment I'm just grateful.

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The first acquisitions of the year

The choice fell on BBDC, GNL and OCCI. It is nice to be back on the playing field and continue the acquisitions. The temptation to invest 100% of our monthly savings is powerful, but the decision to repay 50% of them on our mortgage is smart. Sometimes you have to be intelligent.

Adrenaline rush

After several checks that all links works between the different sheets in my Google Sheet, I decided to delete all old spreadsheets that were the basis for the final and complete document.

Later in the evening, when I was going to add the acquisitions we made during the evening, only sheet 1 remained in the document. The other sheets were completely gone. The panic was almost total before I realized that when I open several pages in the browser, the other pages in the spreadsheet are not visible. As soon as I closed all the other pages in the browser, my pages appeared. The relief was immediate and comfortable.


Neither he nor we have realized how fast he has literally grown

There is no doubt that the world's most perfect child is approaching his teens. He is like a puppy with to big paws in relation to his body. Junior hits doorways, underestimates his strength and so on.

He has also lost seven teeth in less than two weeks. To top this he can do and knows EVERYTHING. While it can sometimes drive me crazy, I love his self-confidence.


Right now, my Google Sheet is switching from being in a test mode to going to active mode. I've been longing for this a while now. Hopefully, the first payout will come on January 3rd. With luck it will be a pleasure to see all the values ​​and charts in the spreadsheet appear.

This is going to be too exciting

The US dollar has lost a little in value compared to the Swedish krona during February 2025. This means that our dividends for January will ...