
Being the opposite is worse

For full transparency, I really don't like paying taxes because I think the government wastes an incredible amount of it. That said, I'm certainly not a person who practices what I preach.

In Sweden, among other things, both school and medical healthcare are financed through various taxes, income tax, VAT, excise taxes, etc.

Even though we have access to tax-funded (not free as some people say) school and healthcare, we have chosen to let the offspring attend a private IB school. We have also chosen to pay for private healthcare for both ourselves and him.

We are not allowed to make any deductions for these costs on our tax return so in effect we are paying for his schooling twice. This is a conscious choice on our part so I'm not complaining at all.

What I object to are those who claim it's cool to pay high taxes and like to complain about people like us who choose private options. Especially when it is discovered that it is usually the same people who like to cheat on their tax payments.

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