
If you don't use it, you will lose it!

In this country I live in, less than 20% of all retail is being paid cash.

Our counterpart to CGD (Center for Global Development) believes that we will have a cashless society within a couple of years.

Even though more than 70% of population wants to able to use cash, they still pay with the credit card. The banks are uninterested in the unprofitable cash handling and will shrink it gradually.

Step 1 has already been taken, almost no bank offices handle cash. Instead, you are referred to deposit machines.

Step 2 is that these machines will be centered to larger cities, after that the machines will be reduced continuously until it is completely discontinued.

The state will speed up this work for the banks by blaming cash transactions as something only criminals deal with.

Personally, I see several advantages of cash. Apart from the fact that cash cannot be hacked, they also protect personal integrity. From bank account statement you can find out someones travel habits, interests, addiction problems and much more.

Why did cash abdicate as king?

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