

There is an error in my document. From the beginning, all the different tests indicated that the document was correct.

But the closer I get to the end of June, where I can compare the actual result with the budget and get a fair result without taking into account any deviations, another result is shown.

Due to several reasons I had to calculate the entire budgeted dividend turnover for 2019 and divide it evenly over 12 months, there may be a margin of error there.

My last hope is that June's dividends will be significantly higher than what the document shows today.

Can someone please slow down the time

The time is running so fast at the moment, it feels like I should miss the summer if I blink.

This month, my husband and I have saved a little extra. We even saved a larger amount to our joint account. Despite this, our chart has not changed significantly much.

Click to enlarge


Double standard

I'm still upset by the fact that I, as European, aren't allowed to purchase ETFS. Part of ETFS is even owned by European banks.

Due to EU rules, the North American producers must provide the necessary documentation to the European banks under the new rules. This is properly expensive compared to existing trade since they have not provided it.

The concern EU expresses doesn't really feel genuine because they allow thousands of online casinos to advertise around the clock and lure us with different apps with both casino games, lotteries, etcetera, with 24/7 access. At least the stock exchange closes a number of hours per week, unlike online casinos.

Something smells fishy.

Sub-goal 2

Tomorrow is the last day of May. This will be the last preliminary check of my document of compound interest before I can make a precise check on the last June.

If all the figures stand then I have a tool to see my future dividends. I really hope the document is flawless.

Trade war

This fear of a prolonged trade war between the US and China has made the securities somewhat cheaper and our domestic currency a little stronger.

Although I do not like war in any form I would be stupid not to exploit the situation. Unfortunately, I do not have any capital to invest right now, but some dividends will come next week.

If this decline in US dollar value continued over the summer, this concern for a prolonged trade war would be like a little Kinder egg for me. Cheaper securities, cheaper dollar and cheaper holiday.

Three wishes in one.


Smoothing things out

May is one of the four worst months in terms of dividends. The dividends that remain this month are ARR, EDF, HCAP and OCCI. June is a little better than May when it comes to dividends.

The world's sexiest husband bought WPG tonight so the difference between May and June increased. On the other hand, he evened out the difference between April and June at the same time.

Shopping with other people's money

Tonight, my dear husband will try to make another attempt to buy securities.

There are several securities left on our list to be acquired. I intend to do everything I can to steer him from those I want to buy as soon as I get capital.

My goal tonight is to get him to buy the shares I want him to buy.



Mr Dewlar knows that it annoys me when he saves more than I do. He loves to tease me.

He called me before lunch and asked if he should buy some chocolate dipped strawberries to tonight. He knows it's my absolute favorite. Since we were going to make extra acquisitions together, because "you saved extra too, didn't you?" Then he laughed loudly over the phone.

A couple of hours later he came by me at work and said that it is Memorial Day today so the stock market is closed.

I said I was SO sorry for his sake but I smiled on the inside.


How does he do that?

My better half and I saves, according to me, a considerable amount of money each month. In addition, he saved $500 extra this month. This irritates me deeply. Since I'm apparently very competitive, I get incredibly provoked.

But no matter how I try, I can't save anything extra this month. I have face creams, face masks, etc. which must be purchased. You do not know what a woman of my age must pay to minimize any fatigue wrinkles.

The conclusion is that my husband will have a lot of money and many wrinkles, and I will have the opposite.

It's always a competition!


Unexpected revenue

The offspring found $10 on the golf course last night. He looked at me with big eyes and asked if 50% had to go into the savings account? The first thought was, "Absolutely!" Luckily, I wasn't saying anything before I came up with better thoughts.

I felt I was not allowed to run things in absurd, so I let go of the principles. It will be exciting to see how he spends this highly unexpected revenue.

I suspect it will still be on his desk in a month. The world's most perfect being can be a bit stingy when it comes to his money.


I was both smart and greedy

The dividends I received today I used to buy a little more WPG. Their yield really attracts me. I also bought a small number of CIMs.

I only need another 30 shares until I have an even hundreds of CIM on Nordnet. The purchase of CIM also leads to a slight smoothing in my monthly dividend because they have payment day in February, May, August and November. My weakest months, for now.


The sound of money rolling into my bank account is like music in my ears.

Today I received my dividend from CEFL, DVHL, MORL, REML and SMHD to my Nordnet bank account. Despite the rapid tax refund on Nordea, I will reinvest them at Nordnet.

Some of my securities at Nordnet are not an even hundreds. Since it only concerns a few securities, I have decided to equalize them. After that, I will transfer every single cent of my payouts to Nordea.

I still hope for my hidden variable in my Google Sheets will reduce my end date by at least 6 months. I still do a lot of stress tests on the document, but all results still point to 2024.


He who dares win

Tonight I took a big risk, I bought WPG.

Their yield is out of this world, for the moment is their yield 21.5%. Although the company would halve the yield, it's still a fantastic yield.

My willingness for risk taking has increased significantly since I compiled my Google sheet on the compound interest.

In order to increase the pace of dividends, I need to take action. I can do this in different ways. I can increase the savings ratio or increase the risk taking.

At the moment, increased risk-taking feels right.

Every cloud has a silver lining

My previous experiences show that the dividends for CEFL, HTGC, MORL, REML and SMHD should enter the account today.

I have so far logged into my Nordnet account 3 times today. Not a single cent has been credited to the account.

I guess the very days that companies with larger payout amount means that the banks have considerably many more visits to their websites than normal.

Dividends are, unintentionally, the banks' equivalent to clickbait.

I can have my cake and eat it too

The difference between being a passive income investor and someone selling their assets and living off their savings capital differs a little.

As a passive income investor, I live off the dividends. My holdings do not decrease, however, the value of my dividend securities may decrease. Just like all the "ordinary" stocks.

If I would instead live off my savings capital, the value of my savings capital would decrease with the same amount I spend each month.

I hope my strategy is the right one.


Smart or greedy

It became the greedy character trait that won.

I thought right up until I pressed the buy button that I would level out the dividends a little more over the quarter instead. Instead, it became AINV who won my favor. With this purchase, January, April, July and October became even stronger dividend months.

Maybe even the smartest choice too, the sooner I invest the sooner I get compound interest.


Search and you shall find

I took out our passports to check that our ESTA visas are in order for the holiday.

At the same time, I cleaned out our safe. Imagine my surprise when I found Malaysian ringgits from a trip we did 10 years ago.

Since we have no intention of going back to Malaysia, we exchanged ringgits and deposited the money on Nordnet.

Tomorrow I'll buy securities. Which, however, is uncertain.

Finally a little light at the end of the tunnel

Wednesday is approaching, between May 22 and end of May I get a little under 50% of the month's total dividend.

I have identified about 10 different securities on my list that have payment day in May or June. I really hope I have the strength to buy one of them even if it is not the very best purchase at the moment.

It will be interesting to see how strong my will to fill the lean periods really is. Or if the desire for the best buy is stronger.

Not even I know myself. But I am honest and will tell you what feature won.


The union and the capital are both in the same boat

Some of the largest unions in this country are investing their money on the stock exchange.

I do not judge them for trying to increase their accumulated wealth to grow. But I wonder how easy it is to sit on 2 chairs? Putting their members' (customers') interests such as salaries, work environment, working hours and so on can first can collide with their investments in the stock market.

I guess some of them have placed such large sums on the stock exchange that they are dependent on price increases. Possibly having to make decisions that can lead to a sharp decline in the stock market, which in turn means that a decent part of the wealth is lost can not be easy.

At least I am honest that I want to make money, a lot of money.

Keep your eye on the ball

As a passive income investor, the most important thing to keep track of is the yield. I have another 4 factors to consider, but it is the yield that is my main focus.

Even though decrease or increase of yields is part of the game, I still get annoyed when AGNC announces that they are reducing returns. It is remarkable how much this weakening deteriorates the last line of the forecast for this year's accumulated dividends.

This is just a speed bump, I have my focus on the final goal.


He still surprises me

The sale of our golf sets make me want to sell more things we don't use. Not only for the money, I am a "less is more" person. My husband is a completely different personality. He likes things, many things.

Being in a relationship means compromises. IRL it means I decide, with one exception. He likes big, heavy English wood furniture. Because I know how much he likes that kind of furniture, I didn't fight him when he found a desk and chair 4 years ago.

Imagine my surprise when he said last week that he was tired of them and wondered if we would replace them.

Now it's time to make hay while the sun shines.

Friday night

During though dividend times, I am very grateful for the payment made by the company to my and my husbands pension insurance once a month.

When the world's most perfect creature sits down to play on his computer with his friend on the other side of town, my husband and I will transform the payments we received from the employer to dividend stocks.

For the moment I have absolutely no idea which securities I am going to acquire tonight.


It is with mixed feelings that I think of our upcoming 5 weeks holiday, given our incredibly weak domestic currency.

On one hand, I appreciate that my portfolio reaches ATH almost every day. On the other hand, I shiver when I think of our 5 weeks in Florida this summer.

We have planned to go to Disney World, Universal Studios, Kennedy Space Center and perhaps a Caribbean cruise.

There are times like these my wallet is grateful that we only have one child.


Dry Season

I bought a small number of SCM last night just to have the stock under supervision. For me, the whole control is simplified if I have a few securities in my portfolio.

Ever since I sold my holding, I have had every intention of buying back the securities when a purchase opportunity arises.

The reasons I want to buy back SCM are several. That they have a payment exactly during the 6-day period where I today do not get a single dime is a one of them.

My worst sales

A hundred years ago, there was much talk about a company that would be listed on the stock exchange.

The public interest was so great that the bank decided to have a lottery of the offer. I was lucky and got 100 shares assigned to me. The price was $25 per piece. When they stood at $50, I sold my holding and felt satisfied.

After 2 months I was congratulated by a good friend who knew that I had bought the 100 shares I had been offered. By then, 100 shares were worth $25,000.

I smiled and thanked. I never admitted that I had sold them months before.


Spring cleaning

Most people spring clean their homes, I clean my accounts.

I still have holdings at Nordnet. Most of my securities there are uneven in number as I abruptly stopped making acquisitions and moved to Nordea.

Because it bothers me when it's uneven numbers, I will continue to buy securities until I have an even hundreds.

This will be a nicer diagram.

I'm a hoarder

When my husband and I compiled the first draft of our list 3 years ago, it was about 40 different securities.

Because our list is a living thing, it has changed over the years, just as it should be. The plan was not to grow to more than 70 different securities. Every time I have found a new and interesting securities, I have to add it.

A few days ago, my husband found a new securities, CHMI. What is different this time is that my husband forced me to remove a securities. I had one Canadian securities on the list, everyone else is American. It was a no brainer.

Obviously I am a hoarder of securities and bags and shoes and...


In the absence of dividends

Currently, it feels like I'm in a vacuum.

The securities with the longest dividend range are every three months. This means 1 dividend per every 67 working day. I currently have 74 different securities on my list.

The fact that it can take more than 6 working days without a single dividend is incredibly frustrating and illogical.

Without dividend to invest and a son who sleeps deeply because of a hard school day and golf training, I intend to have a real date night tonight and invest in my marriage.


My longing was in vain

Today is the day that I get my dividend for AGNC. I had plans for that money.

Unfortunatley, I had already spent the money. Several days ago, I accepted an offer to subscribe for shares in a subsidiary to one of my investments. When I saw that Nordnet had reserved my dividend as payment for the offer, everything became clear.

I feel a little ashamed that I had forgotten that I was planning to use my dividend to pay for the offer.

Maybe it's an age thing.


One cannot do right

We are one of the world's most taxed countries. Despite this, we have a large number of poor pensioners.

Many senior citizens cannot afford food for the day and a far too many are even homeless. This is a great shame and I am ashamed.

We were many who saw this coming and started saving for our own pension. We use the accounts that were most advantageous. Now the government has begun to talk about taxing these forms of savings much harder than today.

Why punish those who do right for themselves?

The language that everyone speaks

After a lifetime (it feels so) as a CFO, I am very familiar with the language that everyone speaks, AKA money.

It may be that you and your opponent do not speak the same language, you do not agree on how well the work is done, you choose to misunderstand the counterpart, there are emotions involved and so on and so on.

The one thing that everyone understands is money. Regardless of age, culture, education, upbringing, gender and origin.



It's rarely I long for Monday, but I expect dividends from my AGNC investment.

Since AGNC is one of the securities that have been completed, it feels extra good. I'm aware that AGNC has recently reduced its dividend. Most of my dividends during May take place between May 22nd and May 31st.

This weekend I will read about the different companies I intend to increase my holding later in the month. I always try to keep myself updated and always do an extra check again before I make the actual purchase.

It depends on how badly you want it

My husband is not only good looking, sometimes he shows his intelligence as well.

We were next in line when the man in front of us began to ask how heavy the vase he wanted to buy is. He was not satisfied with the weight response, so he began to weigh in other parameters such as that the packaging is quite bulky, etc.

After it had gone on for more than 10 minutes, my husband leaned in and said, "It depends on how much you want it!" The man bought the vase and left.

My trophy husband has his moments.

The golden mean

Getting money from "junk" (sold of) that just took up space and also getting clean and empty surfaces gave me a desire to sell more things.

What we have most of is toys. No one told me when I was pregnant that my perfectly organized and styled home would literally turn into a kindergarten.

What prevents me from selling all young Master Dewlars toys is how angry (and would probably claim that the money was his) I know he would be when he goes out of bed in the morning and finds his playroom completely empty.

Why is it so hard to find the golden mean?


I love to shop

My hidden assets in the form of golf sets turned out to be a small fortune.

Tonight the choice fell on OCCI and HCAP. The main reason is the MOPAY (abbreviations).

In order to reduce the irritation of trading in a very weak currency, I focus on getting all the dividends in US dollars. A task easy to perform.

I want to shop more, a lot more. But the money is gone, for the moment.

More money is expected on Monday.

Many with me saw this coming

I wrote on February 9 (double-edged sword) that the US dollar was strong against our domestic currency. It was almost like anabolic steroids.

The last few days, much has been written on Twitter that our domestic currency is currently a buoys sink. The trust in our economy is really bad. We need to restore confidence quickly and strengthen our currency.

All that is needed now is that politicians understand the situation, as the rest of the population has already done.

Sold off

Since we got young master Dewlar at a fairly high age it was important to find something that we can have in common when he has grown up.

Since both I and mr Dewlar played golf before, the choice was very given. Until now, the young man has grown and almost needed a new golf set every year.

My husband and I have also changed our sets sometimes during this time period. This has led us to have several golf sets that no one uses. I have now taken hold of the case and sold all these golf sets.

It became a considerable amount of money that will be invested tonight.


I'm genius

There are many people who complain about those who have chosen to live by FIRE.

Their main weapon is to blame these people for not contributing to society. I think they are just jealous.

I have now solved their problem. In this socialist country, you would certainly be able to get reduced working hours instead of getting a salary increase.

So sooner or later they could be at home and be paid without working, just like FIRE. But without the hard work.

Ebb & river

There is currently ebb in my earlier so powerful river.

I miss the strong stream of dividends that flowed in throughout April. I should stop talking about it and start investing more wisely so that the dividends become more even throughout the year.

My main opposition to this is that my strongest months are at the beginning of each quarter, so the compund interest should be the largest.

I need check this in a Google Sheets.


Spring has come to our beautiful city. The temperature is still relatively low, but high enough that all the trees begin to emit pollen.

Because I, my husband and son are allergic, we constantly sneeze all the time. The allergy reaction in the body makes you constantly tired.

Considering how much I've blown my nose lately, I should have lost a lot of weight, but oh no.


It is easy to trade with other people's money

Our equivalent to the Fed, Riksbanken, has painted itself into a corner. 

We have had a boom that has been going on for a few years now. Throughout, the Swedish central bank AKA Riksbanken has had zero interest rates.

This means that now that we face the biggest challenge of 100 years, according to our finance minister, they have absolutely no tools available.

I guess Riksbanken has looked at the outside world and jumped on the bandwagon.

In the end, it will be taxpayers who will have to pay for their decision.

Grateful, but not satisfied!

Then one of the year's worst dividend months has begun.

That it comes directly after the year's best makes the difference even bigger. The first few days of the month, the brain has not really realized that it is a new month and the logins are done automatically.

It takes about a week before you stop logging several times a day. I really try to live up to my motto: grateful, but not satisfied!

There's always something to be grateful about, you just have to realize it. I don't won't to lose my drive that's why I can't be satisfied.


A picture is worth a thousand words

In my pearl band, each star represents a securities where I have reached my goal regarding the dividend.

The diagram shows in a simple and clear way exactly how far I have reached. I had an idea that I was closer to the goal.

Click to enlarge

I feel robbed

It's with great joy I log on to Nordea and see the tax refund.

Although it is initially only small amounts for obvious reasons, one day when the amounts will be very satisfied.

On May 26, there is an election to the European Parliament in this country. This leads to the fact that all political parties are being investigated for the moment.

As always, it turns out that everyone, regardless of party, has far too many representatives who use the system to the bursting limit.

It is such behavior that underlies that I absolutely do not want to pay a single penny more in tax than I absolutely have to.


The experiment part III

I got the payout for OXLC yesterday.

I immediately bought shares in OXLC for the dividend.

It is long before the bars are equally high, but I am on my way.

Click to enlarge

A little jewel

There is a hidden variable in my Google Sheets, working to my advantage.

The fact that I immediately receive the foreign tax from Nordea. The power of compound interest should accelerate things in one or two years.

Exciting times are waiting, and I'm having bad patience ...


It might was meant to be

I wrote last month (without cash) about a securities that wasn't supposed to be on our list.

My husband has over the last 3 years always named the different securities by their short names. All of a sudden he began to call them by their (almost) full name.

Unfortunately, there are 2 securities with almost the same name, Solar Senior Ltd & Solar Senior Capital Ltd.

That's the story how we ended up with the both of them.

Grasp all, lose all

I really want to reach my goal before New Year's Eve 2024.

I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I remember that from the beginning of next year and onwards, I get my tax refund once a year from my niche banks.

As of 2021, tax repayment will be so great that it will significantly affect my future dividends, I hope.

The fly in the ointment is that I in my eagerness to live according to FUEL booked a 5 week instead of 4 week holiday trip in Florida this summer. With the current dollar rate, this holiday can cost me 1 or 2 years to reach my goal.



Imagine if banks had the same return policy like retail stores.

- "Hi, I'd like to return this securities because it did not reach my expectations."
- "Hi, I'd like to return this stock. My husband happen to purchase the exact same stock at the same day."
- "Hi, I'd like to return this securities because it is cheaper online."

So on so on

Gone shopping

The first working day of the month started well with dividends that gave me the opportunity to acquire HTGC.

May 11 is the Ex-Div date for HTGC. Since I have to increase February, March, May, June, August, September, November and December, I am very pleased with this acquisition.

January, April, July and October give me more in dividends than the rest of the year overall.

It feels nice to smooth out the return a little over the year.

Why is it always a woman?

A female editorial writer named mrs. Jonna Sima Bank at one of Sweden's largest newspapers, Aftonbladet, writes in a tweet at X about a ...