
Two sides of the same coin

I really dislike having my office at home.

Since I have my work email linked to my mobile to always be available, I pretty much check my email during every commercial break when I'm sitting in front of the TV in the evenings to see if I've received any email that needs to be taken care of. Being brought up to never put things off until tomorrow, I go back to work a number of times every night. As a CFO, this is truly a nightmare.

However, I discovered that as a mother it can be a blessing. Young master Dewlar will go by train together with one of his closest friends to southern Sweden to visit his friend's grandmother and grandfather today. As this is the first time the offspring will travel alone without any of us adults, I am nervous and sleep poorly. At 3am I gave up and sat down at my desk and worked instead. Three hours later I have finished work and am waiting to wake up the world's most perfect teenager as his friend picks him up at 7.15am. As Junior is happy as a clam, I absolutely do not want to show my concern. So it's game face on!

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