
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck

I am one of the few who actually think that Riksbanken's Governor Erik Thedéen is right when he points to the problems with organized crime in Sweden. Even if his field is managing the country's economy and not fighting crime.

In an interview with the Financial Times, he says that the wave of violence in Sweden risks countering Sweden's long-term growth. Erik Thedéen also points out during the interview that trust between people and between people and authorities has been one of Sweden's main competitive advantages.

He believes that if the current wave of violence is not overcome, it could be a potential threat to the growth potential in Sweden. In the same interview, he also admits that the fight against inflation has turned out to be much more difficult to handle than expected. I have to give credit to Erik Thedéen who actually tells it like it is.

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