
This will come back to bite the unions, part 5

For transparency and my own agenda, my husband and I own a 2023 Tesla Model Y.

The power struggle between the union and Tesla Motor Sweden AB (TM) is still ongoing. Personally, I sincerely hope that Mr. Elon Musk does not give in to the union even if it ends up with TM leaving Sweden. In the end, this power struggle will have hurt IF Metall and its sister unions much more compared to TM.

Delivery of mail is part of Sweden's infrastructure and is regulated in the Postal Act. TM recently sued PostNord, which is appointed by the Swedish Transport Agency to distribute registration plates to vehicles. The district court in Solna decided that PostNord has three days to submit its statement and during that time TM is still denied access to the license plates.

As icing on the cake, PostNord is owned 60% by the Swedish state and 40% by the Danish state. Sweden, the country that is marinated in socialism almost appears as a communist country.

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