The city of Stockholm has been governed for just over a year by the Social Democrats and the Green Party with the Left Party's tacit acceptance.
A report compiled by the opposition city councilor Jan Jonsson, the Liberals, shows that the alliance that governs the city of Stockholm have spent $17,800,000 on costs that do not belong to the city's core business.
The costs are distributed as follows:
Marketing, $3,700,000
Communications and Management Consultants, $7,100,000
Entertainment and conferences, $7,000,000
The entertainment has been enjoyed at the luxury restaurants Grand Hotell Stockholm, Restaurang Lux and Hallwylska.
These 3 restaurants represent everything the left hates but is happy to spend their time at and taxpayers' money on.
Since the tax money is not enough for the city's expenses, the alliance that governs the city of Stockholm have decided to raise the municipal tax in the city of Stockholm next year.
Sweden, the country marinated in socialism.
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