
Living in my own world

We have friends close to us that never leaves their "hoods". They live, work and shop in one small area. I have always been quite judgmental against these people. I have tried to make them more approachable for new parts of the city. These attempts have been unsuccessful.

However, last night my husband and I talked about the national stock market in comparison to Nasdaq. Due to us having every dollar at Nasdaq our interest for the national stock market is very limited. To say the least.

It turns out that I am not so open-minded as I thought. Although I live, work and shop in the whole city, it's still within the citylimits. When I travel, I go to cities like Bangkok, New York, Miami and so on. Never the countryside.

I decided to stop evaluate myself due to fear of what I might find...


Roughly simplified

Some people has difficulties to understand that a country's income is not infinite. They usually seem to be of the opinion that the State can raise the taxes, especially the income tax and only for the ones with high incomes. These people are often totally unaware of the Laffer curve.

I sometimes make a roughly comparison between an individual person and a State:
If a private person falls short of money they often takes a payday loan or similar. The costs increases and the chance to balance their economy shrinks.

It's the same with a State. When the State runs out of money it often increases the taxes. When the State have reached the point of Laffer curve the income reduces but the cost remains, and the chance to balance the economy reduces.

It is the same outcome, with the only difference that the later one has much bigger numbers.


I had a good last night on the sofa

I deviated from my plan to invest in a stock with payment day in November. When I looked thru my list I found 8 stocks that has payment day in November, February, May and August. That really surprised me.

However, all them had past the ex-dividend date. I will keep an extra eye on them in January. Ex-div date is a strong variable I consider when I invest.

My choice fell on FDUS, it has an yield just above 11%. It also disburses money every month. The sooner I can reinvest the better.

I try to live by the quote by Albert Einstein "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... He who doesn't... pays it."


The bank did its part, but I failed

I had every intention to make some good purchases last Friday AKA Black Friday.

However, I was aiming for the stock exchange instead of the shops. I was in a very good mood and looked forward of sitting down in the sofa with my pink MacBook and spend some money.

Since the stock market normally closes, local time, at 9:30 p.m. I didn't rush. I took my time and poured a big glass of Coke, pulled out a large bowl of candy, wrapped a blanket around me and logged on.

Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that the stock market closed early. At 4 p.m. to be precise. I am not going into details but my husband has had better Fridays with his dear old wife.

But shame on he who gives up, so tonight I'm hitting the sofa again...


Black Friday

The day is finally here...?! It feels like the rest of this country has misunderstood the concept.

We have been bombarded with black month, week, weekend and so on. I'm guessing that most people has already done their purchases earlier this week.

I'm a bit conservative. If it's Black Friday, then it is Friday. Nothing else. Call me old fashion.

Myself, I intend to hit Black Friday on the stock exchange. Due to my sell and some dividends I now have a resonable sum to reinvest. If the bank just do what's expected of them I will have a very good Friday night.

Because both I and the husband has sold off stocks I have been forced to adjust my Google sheet. It's mentally exhausting to see the dividend decrease instead of increase.

But, tonight is the night when that is going to change, hopefully!!


The escape has begun

As I mentioned earlier I have every intention to sell off as many stocks as I can, meaning the stocks I can repurchase. Two days ago I sold off OHI, and tomorrow I can move the cash to Nordea and reinvest.

Just the thought of my money not working is totally bugging me, on top of that, I'm very tempted to buy things. I have a weak character and when there's something I want, I usually buy it.

I have to maintain focus on the goal and go for it. The reward will be great!

I know that I keep repeating it, but if you live in a country with extremely high taxes, it is a BIG THING if you get some taxes back, and very fast!


We didn't think that thru

As I written before, young master Dewlar needs to save 50% of ALL dough, bucks, cash he receives. This rule has been at play for some years now.

Due to that the amounts hasn't been gigant we decided that he didn't need more than one account. So we have mixed the money he has saved with the money we give him every month, of which he is completely unaware. Up to now he hasn't shown any interest of how much money he actually has.

On the way to school today he asked me, out of the blue, quote "How much money has I saved?" unquote. I stuttered something and started talking about the weather. Knowing the offspring I need to have an amount tonight.

I will tell him a lie, start an additional account and move the amount I have told him. That my friends is good parenting!


I had my eyes on HCAP yesterday

I had made the decision to buy some HCAP, so I logged on and was just about to make my purchase when young master Dewlar called for my attention.

As a parent you drop everything and attend to your child, at the same time I didn't want to miss the opportunity so I asked my spouse to make my purchase before the bank logged me off.

He limited the stock prize 1 cent to low so I failed to make a purchase. To be honest I was quite annoyed with him. I really wanted those HCAP.

My husband bought a pair of Prada shoes for just above $1,000 last week so I think he did it with purpose, if he can't invest neither should I...

Have I mentioned that we love to compete!


Be careful what you wish for

I have for several years had the longing to see a falling star. Yesterday was the day. I was finally supposed to see the Leonids. According to media it was almost set in stone, you couldn't miss it. Imagine my disappointment when the sky was clouded.

Shame on he who gives up. I just logon to my account and there it was, not just one but multiples

Fall in stock prices
Fall in dollar exchange
Fall in portfolio

Always look on the bright side of life...


November is not only dark and cold

It's also a very very VERY slow month when it comes to dividends. I really need to take the slower months in consideration when I make my investments.

During these slower months I dare to say that a more steady income is more favorable. If you ask me in January I will probably claim the opposite.

However I will look for stocks with good yields, resonable prize and payment day every 4th month, starting with November.

I was a bit upset last night when I found out that I missed the last transfer of the day and therefore was unable to make any investments. Having said that, I was glad this morning when I saw that the dollar rate had decreased. Hopefully I will make good for it on Monday. Who says Mondays are no-good?


I have done my math

On my first date with my husband he carefully mentioned that other women he had gone ut with had difficulties with his working hours.

I just smiled to myself and understood that this was going to be a match made in heaven. It was actually he who asked if we schouldn't try to reduce our working hours at the begining of this year. We have been together more than 24 years now.

I have calculated the hours I have work so far comparied to an employee. I have more or less just around 18 months left before I have worked the hours that an employee works until he/she retires at 67 years of age. I am turning 49 at the end of January next year.

That puts things into perspective. I'm a product of my father. He's at 72 still working 7 days a week. I have no intension of becoming like my father. Hopefully I and my hubby can retire within the next 5 years.


As an entrepreneur

I have seen a lot when it comes to employees. I have had parents applying for work on the behalf of their adult child, men not shaking my hand because I'm a woman, a young man not showing up to work since the weather was so nice he took a week off etc.

I'm a welcomed entertainer at dinner parties with my stories about employees not being their best. I get the feeling that people (mostly parents) recognize themselves, hopefully it can be an eye-opener.

There is nothing more sad than a person that can't apply for a job themselves. There is no other to blame than the parents. You have to teach the child to be independent and driven. No matter how hard it is.

On the other hand I have had the opportunity to work with absolutely fantastic people. Hard working, committed and extremely competent. These are the people I learn from and are blessed to have in my life.


Being a child to entrepreneurs PART 2

As I written before I am surprised how strong socialism is in this country.

We have a very good social welfare. Which is amazing. However, it can paralyze and numb instead of boost. I'm afraid that my son will be a numb person without drive. He lives a good life and is in someways very spoiled. 

Due to this I can be harsh on young master Dewlar. It's important for me that he understands how it all is connected. That you have to work for something you want. I want him to be social responsibility, a good taxpayer etc. However I also want him to question were the tax money goes. It's a tough balance. 

He is aware of the current VAT percentage in the country we live in. Next step will be income tax.

The offspring undertands why we need to pay taxes, that it provides hospitals, police officers, fire brigades, schools etc. He has started to dispute some costs. I'm proud that he thinks for himself although I don't always agree with him.


I bought some more SCM last night

After the usual list of pro and con, SCM was once again the winner. This is why:

Montly payouts
Reasonably priced
Missing little more than 500 shares

Due to my impatience, I just want to buy 500 shares and be done with it.

Thank God for my other strong attribute, PERFECTION. Without that one I would have done so many more bad acquires. I can only hope that my features work into my benefit.


Daily payouts

I'm torn between having smaller daily payouts and a little bit bigger montly.

I haven't done the math yet but suspect that it's more economic to make fewer larger investments than more modest ones often. BUT I have been wrong before.

It's desirable that everything is economically defensible. I need to take in consideration factors as the brokerage, my time etc. versus that the money start to work instantly. I'm nearly obsessed by the thought of putting the money at work. I prefer that the money works instead of I.

The toughest aspect to value is my own time. I want to be financially independent but at the same time I want to spend every second available with my family.

I'm very lucky that I and my husband has this interest together. When our son has fallen asleep we can work on our list. On top of this, the stockmarket is still open in the U.S. due to our location in Europe.


I fell for

I bought SCM because their dividend falls out every month. When all variables are more or less the same I prefer to buy stocks that has montly dividends instead of quaterly or yearly. The sooner I can reinvest, the faster, hopefully, I will reach my goal.

Since the goal is to have $2.000 a year from every stock on my list, I still have more than 600 SCM stocks left to buy.

Work has been extremely busy this last week. Therefore I haven't sold off the stocks that I planned. I need to revalue the list. I had a good plan that failed due to lack of time. It's hard to be I.


Please pray for me and my bank

My impulse control is not top notch for the moment. It seems like both I and my new bank, Nordea, is standing to the threshold to menopause. Two beings interacting in the same state of mind is not a desirable situation.

When both I and Nordea is having mental breakdown at the same time it causes a lot of civilians casualties, as my spouse, son and MacBook. I almost threw the computer out the window.

I have great difficulties to accept that such a big bank as Nordea has a website that literally SUCKS!!!

Their user interface is so bad I can't even begin to describe it. You just have to take my word for it. The only comfort is that I am not the only one having problems with their site. There is LOTS OF US...

I can only pray for a fast recovery for both myself and Nordea.


I sold off...

It seems that our new bank, according to other blogs, pays out the tax almost immediately. Due to this information I have started to sell of some of my holdings.

The account that holds my stocks doesn't approve of transfers so I need to sell of and repurchase. This mean that I have to keep all my ETFs at the present banks. For now.

The first stock to go was MAIN. If I going to buy back the same stock or if the choice falls somewhere else time will tell.

These transactions will take some time. After a sell it will take at least 4 days before I can reinvest the money. And A LOT can happen on 4 days.

Apparently I am not a patience woman.



Since the stock market is a living thing you need to evaluate your planed and existing holdings all the time.

My husband is a very changeable person. He has a perfect personality for rethinking future and present investments. Sometimes I think he loves changes more than he loves me.

From time to time it surprises me that he hasn't changed me yet. We have been together for more than 24 years now.

I avoid disputes so much that I don't always speak my mind if I suspect it can end up in a quarrel. On top of this I'm not a big fan of changes. These two attributes sometimes causes me a lot of trouble.

Particularly my problem with alterations. I just want to stick to the plan regardless. Not always the best approach.

I hope that the two of us as team it the best solution.


The result is in

Believe me or not but I have the astronomical sum of 173$ left after we have bought out our previous partner.

I will wait until I have some more silver to invest. Since I have more than 30 different stocks left to choose between I will decide later on which will be the best buy. I never make my decision far ahead since you never know what will happen.

I have filled up a lot the high yield stocks already. It is very tempting to buy more of those but I have to stick to the plan. I have always seen myself as a low risk person but if you look at my holdings it is obvious that I am the opposite.

I really need to invest in some of the "safer" stocks. If I know myself, I'm guessing I'll buy something high risk again. Despite what I think today...


Better safe than sorry

I truly love that three of my banks doesn't send out a lot of paper documents.

However I need to think about safety. Since I don't get any sales notes from stock trades I have to once a month print-out a document with all of my holdings.

This is just a safety precaution from my side. If someone hacks my bank and erase my account I need to have some kind of prof of my stock holdings.

I advice anyone who has some kind of investments at an internet banking to secure your possessions. You should at least once a month make a print-out.


Updated sheet

I have uploaded a new sheet with the latest holdings concerning the portfolio namned Family First.

In a perfect world all the cake pieces would be the same size. Unfortunately the diagram can never be beautiful due to variables as ETFs rules, yield and stock prize.

I really really REALLY hope that the rules concerning ETFs will change in the prompt future.

As you can see I still have a long way to go.

Click to enlarge

This is going to be too exciting

The US dollar has lost a little in value compared to the Swedish krona during February 2025. This means that our dividends for January will ...