
Speeding fines

It seems like the time just goes faster and faster. Tomorrow is already May. We haven't made any extra deposits this month.

In addition, we have not sold any major holdings for repositioned but continued according to our plan.

Click to enlarge


My hero

I read a post today from October 28 last year. At that time, I was very fond of the weekends.

Not only because I was free from work, but also because the stock exchange was closed. They were the only days that my portfolio did not decrease in significant value.

At the moment my portfolio strikes ATH almost every day, due to a weak domestic currency. This upsets me because almost no shares are affordable.

Apparently I am never satisfied. If it is a bear market, it disturbs me that the portfolio loses value. If it is a bull market, it disturbs me that the securities are expensive.

I was not aware that I am like this. I am very impressed that my husband puts up with me.


To support, not overturn

As young master Dewlar himself and we save money for him, he will hopefully have a large amount of money when he is done with his studies.

We do not want him to know how much money he has because it reduces his own drive and at worst makes him a slacker.

Although he may have a large bank account, he still needs a drive to do something by himself. I'm afraid he'll be unhappy as an adult otherwise.

This balancing act is difficult to maintain.


Without cash

I have read more than once that the Swedish krona will be 1:12 against the US dollar as early as summer, which means that todays value 1:10 is cheap.

There is no big bang that I invested all my money. I had every intention to gather a large amount of money and go heavy in at the right moment.

The surprise is Solar Senior Ltd, a company never meant to end up on our list. My choice last night fell on OCCI, SLRC and SUNS.

Bought the wrong securities

A few weeks ago, my good looking husband found a securities that we added to our portfolio.

During the first 3 years my sexy spouse always named the securities according to their short name. Not even himself knows why, but lately he has begun to name the securities according to their full name.

He said we would invest in Solar Senior. Unfortunately, there is a company called Solar Senior Ltd and another named Solar Senior Capital Ltd. If my hunky husband had only used their short name, this would not have been a problem. It ended up with us having both SLRC and SUNS on our list.

Some have a trophy wife, I have a trophy man.


A little thought

There was an election in this country last fall. Before the election, the then government boasted about our strong domestic economy and that all the barns were full.

The government was re-elected and eight months later they say that we are facing our biggest challenge in 100 years. If you (like this country) have zero interest rates during a boom, there are absolutely no tools available when the recession comes.

Instead, one can compare the prevailing economy with a Red-Bull dependent teenager who despite huge caffeine intake is constantly tired.

Like a teenage parent, one can only keep up with the journey no matter what you think.


The calm before the storm

Are we at the rand of a recession? One day, one of the companies I invest in lowering its dividend, the other day profit warns another company that I invest in.

This makes me think that maybe I need take it coolly and reduce my holdings. In addition to all the dividends I received, I also have unrealized profits in a number of securities.

But if I know myself, I have done away with every cent before the end of the evening. I have discovered that I am a bigger risk taker than I thought.

I hope that I can sleep good in the future.

It feels like my head will implode

I've been a customer at Nordea since the end of September 2018.  I have just written a fraction of all the problems.

However, I have called their customer support so many times that I suspect that they have received a dial-up ID and are taking turns to take my calls.

For the first time, I talked to a person who actually knew what he was talking about. Just that he used the right terminology increased my confidence in Nordea slightly. He informed me that Nordea has another platform that is made for securities trading.

If the "new" platform does not work satisfactorily, I might make a large withdrawal instead.


Passive income vs. trading

I am a passive income investor, but if there is a purchase or sale position in any of my holdings, I act on it.

I redirected the holdings (nothing is written in stone) in my portfolio some time ago. Today I saw (NRZ price-target) a purchase recommendation on the NRZ with a target price of $18. I am a bit heavily invested in NRZ so if the price rises I sell off my surplus immediately.

It just keeps coming

This is a good day to log into my bank account.

I logged in to make sure the transfer was not stuck anywhere when I discovered that I had received additional dividends. This time from PFLT and SMHD.

It seems that they have caught up with all the dividends on the bank. Easter holidays made them good.


Today I got the money. I always get happy when I get money.

AGNC, BDCL, CMO, GPMT and REML were the ones that made me happy today. I have transferred the money to Nordea so hopefully I can buy new securities within any of the next few weeks... The positive thing is I have a lot of time to plan future acquisitions. Joking aside, I expect to be able to increase my holding in AGNC, OCCI  or other securities tonight.

And there will be more dividends at the beginning of next week.


I don't intend to be captious but...

It funny how fast you can turn around the clock. This leave was only 4 days, but getting up this morning was terrible.

My biggest motivation was that I would receive a dividend from ARI and REML. Since even the bank staff have been vacant during Easter, these payments will be a day or two days late.

I understand that even they deserves be free from work, but it is a little annoying.


Open stock exchange

The fact that the American stock exchange is open today creates an unexpected purchase opportunity.

When I completely unconditionally log in to the bank and found the latest pension insurance payment recorded in the account meant that I could buy a small item in OCCI.

However, satisfaction is completely overshadowed by the terrible terrorist act in Sri Lanka.

Easter Monday

Since we have spent the Easter at home this year and the weather has been good, we have taken a lot of walks. Today is no exception.

During these walks I and my brilliant husband talk about everything, but mostly it ends with our portfolios and future acquisitions. We have so many plans.

The most perfect child in the world AKA young master Dewlar is a very good guy on walking, not just because of his age. Not many people can walk 6-7 miles without complaining.

Tomorrow is everyday again.


Spoiled has reached completely new levels

The grandparents of the most perfect child in the world knows that 50% of everything he gets goes directly to his endowment insurance.

The reason for this was many. To teach the son the importance of saving money, investing them and hopefully seeing them grow, learning the value of money etc. None of them were that ours parents would be sorry for him and double the amount they originally planned to give him.

Although my husband and I counted both his and my eggs (when we were in his age) we didn't even get 20% of what he gets.

This is not what we negotiated.

Easter Sunday

The closer you get to something you crave, the longer it feels.

In a more detailed review, I found that most of the dividends are paid into my account between the 27th and the end of April. Between these dates I expect payment from ARR, BDCL, CEFL, CMO, DVHL, ECC, EDF, HCAP, IVR, KYN, MORL, NRZ, OCCI, SMHD and TWO. In most companies, I only own a small monitoring post.

The only exceptions are ARI and REML. Their dividend should be in my account on Tuesday. I intend to put them to work immediately.

I will get my Easter eggs after Easter.


Holy Saturday

Many blogs are currently writing a lot about dividends that reach ATH this month.

Halfway through Easter I can shamefully say that I have never eaten so much candy and food ever in my life. An ATH in gluttony.

It is good that several of my holdings have payment day next week so I have something to look forward to. Next week, the dividends will be generous while the food will be restrained.


Not many get paid to do a bad job

A good consequence of taking control of all our different types of old-age pension insurance is that our assets have increased in value.

It annoys me that I have been naive and trusted the asset managers. Not only do I do a better job than they do, I am also cheaper. It's incredible that they are paid even when they lose my money. I wish we had done this several years ago.

No one cares as much about your money as you!

Good Friday

Since the stock exchange and banks are closed during Easter, there is no need to log into any accounts.

Instead, we decided to take a long walk, 9 miles, in the beautiful spring weather. The offspring took his scooter. He promised me that if I pushed him in all uphill slopes he would hug me for 20 minutes when we came home. I have always said that if I couldn't threaten, lie and bribe, I would never be able to raise a child.

I pushed and I pushed throughout the walk. When we got home and I wanted my prize he just looked at me and said, "Is it so easy to fool you?"

11 years later, it seems that he has become the master and I am the student.


Maundy Thursday

In this part of the world Easter starts with Maundy Thursday.

Usually it is only half a working day. I myself had to be at work 2 hours earlier to be able to quit a little earlier. In this way I get almost four and a half days free.

I decided to spend this month's savings earlier than usual. I wanted to buy OCCI today to secure the dividend next week. I almost missed the acquisition because of stinginess. I put the bid price 2 cents too low. After just over an hour, I had to correct the purchase price. Meanwhile, the price had gone up another 9 cents.

Since trading in this securities is lower than most, the price can change quite sharply. I'm glad I got all the shares I wanted. Now I look forward to the dividend next week.


Out of little acorns grow huge oaks

While waiting for the big dividends, I have to keep up with the smaller ones. One of my private pension insurance has given some small dividends the last days. Hopefully, I will have a large sum of money in the account on the first working day after Easter.

That means I can spend time on two of my favorite activities, eating and shopping. First, I eat grotesquely lots of candy during Easter, afterwards I can acquire several securities.

I bought a smaller number of SCM today.


Marriage duties vs labor service

He heard but didn't listened when I once again tried to reach him with the golden date, New Year's Eve 2024. He's taken the next 2 days off! It is a difficult job as CFO to be married to your CEO.

If this continues, I have to take actions and refuse marital duties...


Good things take time

The last days before the big dividends are just a single long haul.

When we began our savings I was happy to buy shares 2 to 3 times a month. Today I get frustrated when 5 to 6 days have passed between the purchases.

New main opponent is my Google Sheets. I WILL reach my goal earlier than New Year 2024.

It's always a competition.


I can't even blame the wine

In order to make life in general and trading in most as good as possible, I always try to find something positive with everything. Not always an easy task.

For example, I lost so much money on a securities that it is almost indescribable. From an investment of $7,000, I managed to save $525.

The mistake I did was to listen to a close friend. During a nice dinner with great friends, good food and excellent wine, I took advice on investments. The real sad thing is that I was sober.

The positive is that we are still friends.

Live in the present

Of course, a strong personal economy is important to me, but a strong family is most important.

When we were in London, the offspring bought a building kit of Apollo from Lego. Since then, he has been obsessed with space.

We are fortunate to be able to invest in the family again. This summer we go to Miami, FL. I googled the Kennedy Space Center and found it to be a rocket launch in July.

This will be the best investment in the offspring so far, ignoring his school education. I can't wait to see the joy being his face.

I am very grateful that we worked hard and laid the foundation for our finances all these years before we got a child.


The bank called yesterday

As I have written, we have 2 traditional banks and 2 nich banks. In addition to Nordea, we have another traditional big (dinosaur) bank where we have our mortgage loans and payroll accounts.

The mortgage loan is extended every 2 years and now it was time again. I got a call from a very polite bank clerk who wondered how we wanted to do with the mortgage loan. He found out about our trading and tried to lure me with private banking and spoke warmly about all the benefits.

I replied that I would consider his offer, depending on their costs and fees, in that moment the call died. Whatever they promise you, no one cares as much about your money as you!


Speaking of something completely different

I can't drop a small incident that happened the night of today. My dear husband is of the opinion that things are there to be used and it may gladly be seen that they have been used.

With the exception of his robot vacuum cleaner. After each occasion it is used it is disassembled and polished. He has even named it to Harald.

Last night he forgot to take care of it. In the middle of the night I woke up by an alarm. I woke my husband and asked him to find out what sounded. He left the bed and went into the living room whereupon I heard him with a gentle voice:

"But Harald what has happened, do you miss your mom (the charging station)?"

Is this normal?



April is together with January, July and October my best months in terms of dividends.

From the 20th to the end of April I get 60% of the month's total dividend.

I am extremely curious to see if my calculations regarding future dividends are correct.

Today I have tested the document with all possible calculations and they all show the same thing.

My dear husband must work until New Year's Eve 2024.

I stood by my word

I acquired an even hundreds of OCCI tonight. The money was also enough for an uneven number of ARR. Just to challenge my little OCD problem.

I bought these securities for the money I got when I sold SNH. My annual dividend is aside from $114 back on its top level.

It feels good.

I am happy, happy, happy

It was a sight for sore eyes to finally see the money at the accounts this morning.

The plan for tonight was that I would buy GNL has now changed to OCCI. This securities is new to my portfolio. I kicked out the SNH and replaced it with OCCI. I have not decided if I should buy a smaller number that can constitute a monitoring post or a larger post.

I also struggles with my aesthetic sense. I want to smooth out certain holdings to even fine integers. I have to take it easy and try to make the best purchase in relation to the market, not because the holdings should look good.


Rather safe than sorry

If you have holdings with one of the new niche banks, make sure you print out your holdings every month. Their safety and control are not as good as you would expect. Not even with traditional big banks.

Take Nordea for example, almost every time I transfer money internally, they disappear for several hours. Not even Nordea itself knows where the money is during these hours. Once, the money was gone for more than six days.

High-tech era part II

It took the money 4 hours to get transfered from Nordnet to Nordea. The internal transfer within Nordea has so far taken more than 6 hours. At best, the money is in the account tomorrow morning.

Although I know that the transfer takes time, it disturbs me immensely that an internal transfer within Nordea will take 8-12 hours.

In this high-tech era

I have started the long and difficult transaction to move money from one bank to another within the same country.

The transaction started 3 hours ago and I assume the money is available in the bank account at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Assuming nothing unexpected happens.

If I buy something on my Amex card in America or Asia, I can immediately see the transaction in my European Amex app. It may be that technology only works if I have to pay money, not when I receive money.

Regardless, tomorrow night I intend to buy GNL.


I followed my plan

I sold off  PHK and SNH last night. I know I wrote I would keep an eye on SNH for a while and then make my decision. Patience is not a trait I own and I ripped off the bandaid immediately.

I see no improvement in the near future for this company. These two sales reduce the return by 1% on an annual basis. But I couldn't reinvest all my money last night. Most of these holdings I had at Nordnet. I can't move the money until tomorrow to Nordea. The experience tells me that Nordea will have booked my money on Friday at the earliest.

For the moment, my plan is to invest in GNL on Friday night, if nothing unexpected happens.


A first indication

Patience is not one of my best qualities. I made a flashover calculation as of 4.7.2019 and it seems that my calculations are real.

My husband came home early from his golf trip due to very bad weather. I did not improve the situation by telling him that he must work until December 31, 2024. Although I think he will continue to work after we have reached our goal, he did not jump up and down from joy.

I have to learn to choose the right opportunity to share information. I think it is a work injury to share new information as soon as possible regardless the situation.


Plans for tomorrow

I'll sell off my PHK, fortunately I didn't have so many. Since I am not allowed to buy this securities longer, I see no reason to keep those I have.

Instead, I switch to OCCI. I will keep an eye on the securities for a while before I start shopping them.

The positive is that I can move the money to Nordea and get a return on the invested capital up to 56 months earlier, depending on the securities I buy.

Be careful what you wish for

I am one of those who voted yes to the EU. Because of all their regulations today I am not sure I would vote the same today.

They have regulated one more of my securities, PHK. According to them, it is high-risk paper and they want my best.

However, I am more than welcome to enter one of the many casinos in Europe to spend my money.

How I gamble with my money should be my decision. Be honest and acknowledge that you want the money to stay within Europe!


A bad apple

I probably have more than just one bad apple in my basket, but there is one that stands out for the moment. I'm talking about SNH. They obviously have problems at the moment. One of them is a less good tenant.

The tenant, Five Star, cannot pay their rent. Instead, they pay with shares in their own company. Apparently, the plan is to distribute the shares to us shareholders. I guess that is one of the reasons why they reduce the return. I have not decided if I should keep my SNH or if I should sell them.

I will try to stay calm and keep a hawk eye on the securities to see how the market reacts to SNH.


I have seen my future

If I can follow my plan and my Google Sheets is properly calibrated, I will have reached my goal on 12.31.2024.

To be honest, I thought I would have reached it earlier, at least as of December 31, 2022, so I'm a little disappointed. I get the verdict on 12.31.2019.

At best, I have made a mistake in my document, in the worst case I reach the goal first 12.31.2024.


Number nerd

As I mentioned earlier, I am a number nerd. I love building Google Sheets that show how future dividends change depending on which and when you buy the securities.

I really hope I have all the calculations in the right way, so my estimated dividend is right. I get the final judgment on December 31, 2019.

The work of constantly keeping the document up to date with any changes regarding dividends and more is just satisfactory work.

Imagine what opportunities this can open.


Sneaky wife

I hate when my husband is gone. My son and I are exactly the same in this regard. So while the husband is off and playing golf and has it absolutely fantastic, the offspring and I are a little miserable here at home.

We are like labradors, feel best when the whole pack is gathered. Despite all these feelings, my insidious plans continue.

Eventually Nordea managed to put the money I got for Friday's sale into my account and I bought ARR today.

It's always a competition!


The experiment part II

I got my OXLC dividend today. I immediately reinvested it.

On the page labeled The OXLC experiment (the oxlc experiment), I will keep all the charts to make progress visible.

It is exciting to see how long it takes before my investment is fully repaid.

My guess is 3 years and 3 month, namely the 2nd of January 2021.

Click to enlarge

When the cat's away the mice will play

My better half had not even completed the security check before I started putting my plans into the work to reduce the difference in value between my portfolio and his.

Last Friday, I sold my uneven number of AI, PFLT, PMT and SNH that I had at my depot at Nordnet. I transferred the money today to Nordea.

I know it costs to sell, transfer and buy securities. Even so, I will make money when I get the foreign tax back 4 to 6 weeks after the dividend.

If I buy securities with a monthly payment, I can reinvest the tax payment 48 times before I would have received them on Nordnet. I will not inform my husband of this transaction.

It's always a competition!


To be cunning

My husband is going off for a week to play golf.

A few years ago he played a lot of golf. Every Friday all summer and at least a week every year with their friends. Unfortunately, he got back problems and had to quit.

Due to this involuntary break, his equipment has not been updated. So I looked him deeply in the eyes and asked with a gentle voice if he didn't need any new golf clubs, golf shoes, golf bags, etc.

Let me just say this, he will NOT make any extra savings this month. However, I will do it. I am more than happy with myself.

It's always a competition!

Why is it always a woman?

A female editorial writer named mrs. Jonna Sima Bank at one of Sweden's largest newspapers, Aftonbladet, writes in a tweet at X about a ...