
The hypocrisy is monumental

For transparency and my own agenda, I strongly dislike our previous government, the Social Democrats with the support of the Green Party and the tacit acceptance of the Left Party.

Currently, there is a power struggle between Tesla Sweden AB and the union. The union members have gone on strike.

In Sweden, there is a collective agreement which is a contract that is negotiated between unions representing various industries and the organization for Sweden's employers.

It is not mandatory for companies to sign these collective agreements, but almost all medium-sized and larger companies in Sweden have signed them. Tesla Sweden AB has so far refused to sign this agreement.

Tesla Sweden AB has a contract directly with each employee which, among other things, gives the employees options in the company.

The labor market is heavily regulated in Sweden to the benefit of the employee. Signing a collective agreement means that the employer does not have to negotiate wages with all employees and can instead refer to the collective agreement and follow the respective industry organization's wage increase. However, the companies must pay fees to the unions when there is a collective agreement.

One of our former social democratic party leaders and former prime minister, Stefan Loven, has spoken out about Tesla Sweden AB's intention not to sign a collective agreement.

He is so principled that he contacted the taxi company that his employer has a contract with and announced that if they send a Tesla, he will refuse to go with them. The problem with his stance and actions is that his own employer, a PR agency, lacks a collective agreement.

Since this is Sweden, the country marinated in socialism, the media has avoided reporting on this.


More people than I lack confidence in Sweden's central bank

A professor emeritus and a docent, both working at the School of Economics at Lund University, question the Swedish central bank's monetary policy.

The two claim that Sweden's central bank AKA Riksbanken has conducted an experimental monetary policy when in the middle of a boom they bought securities and introduced a negative policy rate. It is an unusual move in a stabilization policy, they continue.

I already understood in 2019 that the Swedish central bank's procedure was completely off the wall.

Hopefully, The Swedish Parliament will demand responsibility from Riksbanken. If you don't realize that you made a mistake, you will most likely make the mistake again.

We've been played

I was a little surprised that the world's most perfect teenager thought he would be allowed to go to Gothenburg with his friends without any adults.

Our son, who has a hard time lying and deceiving us, admitted this morning that all the guys were just playing us parents with this wish to travel to Gothenburg.

All the boys were well aware that hell would freeze over before any of us parents would let them go to Gothenburg by themselves.

They also expected us to feel guilty and let them do a lot of activities in Stockholm. Their outcome for the next week is a number of planned sleepovers, a visit to Stockholm's amusement park Grona Lund and several hours booked in a golf simulator.

Well played!


Unknowingly, she took one for me

Next week it's autumn holidays in Swedish schools, including the one attended by the world's most perfect teenager.

He and three of his friends had planned to go to Gothenburg themselves, which is about 292 miles (470 kilometers) south of Stockholm.

I think they are far too young for this so I am contacted the other boys' moms. Luckily, the other mothers are on the same side as me, so the trip to Gothenburg is cancelled.

One of the moms had already said no to her son before I called her, which saved me from being the bad guy. Even though I had NEVER let the offspring travel to Gothenburg, I saw an opportunity to hide behind her and I took it!

Unexpected capital injection

The world's most perfect husband, who has a significantly larger portfolio than me, has over the past year bought fund shares in one of Nordea's funds while investing according to our plan.

After a year, he has now finished the project. A comparison showed that our own investments are doing much better than the fund. I have not entered these fund shares in my spreadsheet.

The sale of fund shares freed up more than $1,600. This money will now most likely be invested in Realty Income Corporation Common Stock (O) shortly.

No one cares about your money as much as you do. - Liza Dewlar


I'm not skilled enough

More than 30% of the month's expected dividends remain. The majority should be credited to our endowment insurance no later than Thursday next week.

Selling off our holdings in NewtekOne, Inc. Common Stock (NEWT) and buying Fidus Investment Corporation Common Stock (FDUS) and Stellus Capital Investment Corporation Common Stock (SCM) instead has improved the prerequisite that the final dividend for 2023 will exceed the forecast we had as of January 1, 2023.

An eventual outcome I will be grateful for given that NEWT was one of the engines of our portfolios.

My spreadsheet will be much more accurate next year. I just wish I knew how to add the special and supplemental dividends in one color and the actual dividends in another color in a stacked chart combined with the calculated dividends in a third color in a bar chart next to it.

I envy their sleeping skill

Weekday morning, or as we say in our little family, conflict of interest.

I have emptied the dishwasher, the dryer, made our son's breakfast and checked the inbox before it takes me three times to get our son out of bed because he has the ability to fall asleep within 30 seconds of me leaving his room each time.

Being in super mode while one of the other two in our family makes a zombie seem hyperactive is extremely provocative.

The third one AKA my husband wakes up about 90 minutes after our son and I leave home.


I understand that a bankruptcy is out of the question

Similar to the Riksbanken Act, there is the Limited Liability Companies Act for limited companies. This law must be applied to all limited companies regardless of whether the company is public or private.

The Limited Liability Companies Act states that if 50% of the company's equity is used up, the company is insolvent and a balance sheet for liquidation purposes must be drawn up. After that, you have 6 months to restore the capital, otherwise the company must be declared bankrupt.

To then read that Riksbanken needs a capital injection of $0.675 billion to restore its own capital to the minimum basic level of the Riksbanken Act means that they have ignored laws and regulations for a long time, as I find it impossible that the need for this capital injection arose from one day to another.

The management of Sweden's central bank is supposed to be the best that Sweden has when it comes to the economy. There are many self-employed people who run small shops and similar businesses who deal with situations like this on a daily basis, but in the correct way.

Roughly simplified, the self-employed person and Riksbanken do the same thing, the only difference is the focus of the business, the size of the amounts and that the self-employed person must comply with the law.

In the same way, you can compare a country's expenses and income with a small household. In addition to the size of the amounts and number of expenditure items, the two have a certain amount of money available each month.

The only difference is that instead of the central bank and the nation going bankrupt, the hard-working taxpayers are forced to pay even higher taxes.


I bet my husband will not be able to refrain from investing

Since 2015, Sweden's central bank AKA Riksbanken has built up a purchasing portfolio under the leadership of the previous central bank governor, Stefan Ingves.

Due to recent year's interest rate increases, this portfolio has lost so much value that the current central bank governor, Erik Thedeén, today visited the Swedish finance committee and explained that a capital injection of 0.675 billion dollars is needed to restore Riksbanken's own capital to the Riksbanken Act's basic level of 0.332 billion dollars.

We acquired a small amount of Realty Income Corporation Common Stock (O) yesterday and intended to buy more today. Riksbanken's meeting with the finance committee today contributed to the Swedish krona falling further against the US dollar.

Today's meeting has changed the conditions and we believe it is smartest to refrain from acquisitions for the time being and wait for the development of the Swedish krona. Which means in real life that he will make the acquisitions he intended to make today tomorrow instead...


Still a 4 bedroom/1 bathroom

The world's most perfect husband continues his work repairing the shower in our smaller bathroom, in his thought.

I have not and will not nag him to hurry up. However, I have been showering in our tub for over three weeks now. Getting in and out of the tub with my vertigo migraine is not a dream scenario.

I sincerely hope my husband gets his finger out soon and figures this out.


Things have happened in soap opera

For transparency and my own agenda, I strongly dislike our previous government, the Social Democrats with the support of the Green Party and the tacit acceptance of the Left Party.

After the revelation that one of the Social Democrats' own organizations has been infiltrated by gang criminals, the party has put the lid on and denied everything.

In the end, the members of the municipal Social Democratic Party who were affected by the infiltration had enough.

Last week, several of the elected representatives for the party chose to leave the party to instead become politically independent. Together with their political opponent, the Moderate Coalition Party, they voted out the incumbent municipal leadership who had been infiltrated by gang criminals and took power in the municipality.

I'm guessing that the Social Democratic Parliamentary Party is satisfied with the result. They avoided getting their hands dirty and got rid of undesirable representatives without having to admit that they were non-grata.

As usual, the Social Democratic Party gets away with murder without the media holding them accountable.

To sell or not to sell

We hesitate more and more whether we should keep all our capital on the stock exchange.

Currently, the ten-year US Treasury bond is up at 4.89%. Historically, the stock market has fallen significantly in value every time the 10-year yields exceed 5%.

The world's most perfect husband follows the 10-year yield. He sees that it is finding its way up and biting down around 5% now and he is becoming more and more convinced that it will have a knock-on effect for almost everything this time as well.

If I was granted one wish, I would exchange my super power of being able to eat unlimited sweets for being able to see into the future.


He did well

Yesterday afternoon, the world's most perfect teenager took his first driving lesson at a driving school. The driving school is located downtown Stockholm city.

When the offspring got into the driving school car, he sat on the passenger side, whereupon the instructor laughing told him that he is sitting on the wrong side. YMD thought the instructor would drive to a large parking lot where the offspring would get to show what he can do.

Junior drove very well for the entire lesson in downtown Stockholm among all the motorists who were in a hurry to get home after work. I myself sat in the back completely quiet seat for all 80 minutes to learn how to teach him to drive when we practice driving privately.

I am convinced that it was more difficult for me than for Junior, being quiet is not my thing.

It is just window dressing

The 12-page document that SEB referred to as customer awareness, which PostNord misplaced, dealt exclusively with money laundering.

They wanted to know how often I intend to withdraw or deposit cash into my account and if I send or receive money from abroad. My business with SEB is exclusively about receiving my monthly salary and paying my bills. All incoming money comes from Swedish companies and all outgoing money goes to Swedish companies.

SEB know this, they also know that incoming and outgoing amounts rarely exceed $6000 per month.

The fact that I then have to answer a 12-page document regarding money laundering feels ridiculously considering that SEB themselves admitted that they were involved in the "Russian laundromat" in Estonia between the years 2007-2016 where they had 57 suspected Russian customers.

SEB have admitted handling more than $830,000 but a legal leak from the US points to amounts up to $6.6 billion over a ten-year period.

Sometimes it feels as if we live in Duckburg

For transparency and my own agenda, I strongly dislike our previous government, the Social Democrats with the support of the Green Party and the tacit acceptance of the Left Party.

In Sweden we have terrible problems with gang crime. The main blame for this lies with our previous government who did not take timely action but swept the problem under the carpet.

If I, as a private person or company, choose to repaint my property in a different color than the existing one, we must apply for planning permission. If we don't do that, we will be forced to restore the property to its original color and will be fined.

Recently, the criminal networks have changed their modus operandi. They are no longer just shooting each other, but have started killing each other's parents and relatives to inflict maximum damage. They both shoot and blow up homes where family members live.

A stranger can register my residence as his with the Tax Agency and I don't even get a notification about this. Nor can I get the Swedish Tax Agency to remove the person from my address without the person's consent. The gang criminals can therefore list any address as theirs and no one can do anything.

This means that innocent families can be subjected to house searches by the police in their hunt for gang criminals, have their homes blown up by gang criminals or, in the worst case scenario, be killed.

The only measure that can be taken is to hire a company that offer subscriptions that monitor your address and notify you if there is a change in your address. Then you are at least aware that a stranger has entered your address as his.

As I did not have enough on my plate

PostNord was formed through the merger between Post Danmark A/S and Posten AB in 2009. The group is 40 percent owned by the Danish state and 60 percent by the Swedish state.

It is one of Sweden's largest carriers which, in addition to distributing all government letters to the public, also distributes small and large packages.

There are hundreds of examples of how it mishandles its mission. There are several videos where the drivers did not close the doors properly so all the packages fell out onto the highway and the road had to be closed to images of large piles of mail being thrown in various forested areas.

On one occasion, our store received an email claiming that "we" (the store) were not at home at the time of delivery, the time they stated was 2:35 p.m., so we should contact PostNord for a new delivery. The discomfort PostNord's customer service felt when I asked them how credible it is that a store is not open at 2:35pm on a weekday was felt across town.

I myself received an email from one of my banks that they intended to close all my accounts with them because I did not fill in a document regarding customer awareness that they sent with PostNord. It took me a total of 6 hours and 5 phone calls to get the bank to email the document, fill out the 12 page document, scan it in, email it back and get the bank to register it.

This will be fun

For full transparency, I am politically very far from the Swedish Social Democrats and socialism.

To be included in Sweden's parliament, a political party must receive at least 4% of the votes in an election.

Since no party currently gets its own majority, they have to cooperate with other parties to be able to form a government and declare themselves the winner. This could mean that the smallest party gets a wave master role and far too much power in relation to its voter support.

This was the situation between 2014-2018 and 2018-2022 when the Swedish Social Democrats needed the Green Party's support together with a tacit acceptance from the Left Party to be able to form a government during all these years.

Right now, a power struggle is underway within the Social Democrats' partner, the Green Party. The Green Party does not have a party leader but two spokespersons, a woman and a man. The party's male spokespersons have resigned and the party has chosen a new person, Daniel Helldén.

The problem for the Green Party is that Daniel Helldén and their female spokesperson Marta Stenevi have completely different views on which issues should be prioritized. Marta Stenevi focuses mostly on social issues, while Daniel Helldén wants the party to return to its core issue, the environment.

It is customary for both the incumbent and the incoming spokesperson to attend the press conference when the new spokesperson is introduced. Marta Stenevi chose not to participate in the press conference.

It's time to get the popcorn!


I have a lot on my plate right now

My husband and I have been working 7 days a week since August this year.

Added with the world's most perfect teenager's school that sends at least 10 emails a day, Saturday and Sunday, it becomes a lot to keep an eye on. It doesn't sound like much, but when you work 70-hour weeks, anything extra becomes a concern.

At the same time as my two sisters whose children have moved away from home and therefore got a lot of time over a wish that we should meet three times before Christmas. All of this has completely crashed my calendar.

Yesterday it emerged that I have double-booked us for two weekends, which means that I have to cancel two dinners. To top it all off, it's not the first time I've had to cancel one of these families. This will not go down well.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I missed that the maid is coming today so I was up at 3:10am to put everything in order. I don't want to show anyone outside how disorganized I really am. My husband doesn't understand why we have cleaning help when I clean the whole apartment before the maid comes.

Now it's 6:20am and I'm done with everything, it's going to be a long day...


Boiling frog VS showering outdoors in Antarctica

At the end of this month, many Swedish borrowers who previously had a fixed mortgage rate that was negotiated 5 years ago will be paying almost 5 times the interest cost from one month to the next.

My husband and I have always had variable interest rates on our mortgages. We invested the difference between the actual interest expense and the interest expense we considered healthy in the stock market over many years.

The cold shower these households will feel, assuming they haven't acted in the same way as us, will be brutal. A cold shower equivalent to showering outdoors in Antarctica, while those of us who have had variable interest rates in recent years are more like a boiling frog.


My reluctance to pay taxes is increasing all the time

Today was the time for yet another payment of the capital tax on our endowment insurances with Nordea.

The capital tax is based on an ascribed income which is the government loan interest plus 1 percentage point. The ascribed income is then taxed at 30%.

This ascribed income increases or decreases to the same extent as the Swedish central bank AKA Riksbanken changes the policy rate. Even if capital tax has increased at the same rate as Riksbanken has raised the policy rate, it is still more advantageous for us to have endowment insurance compared to a securities account.

Apart from the fact that endowment insurance entitles us to reclaim the foreign withholding tax, the ascribed income is still lower for us than the capital tax would be for us in a securities account.

What's happening?

We are not personally affected by the terrorist act in Belgium, but as Swede it is a very sad day.

Presuming that you can be a target for a terrorist when you, as a Swede, travel to a neighboring European country to see a soccer match was unthinkable before last night.

I hope with all my heart that the badly injured person survives. My condolences to the loved ones of the victims.


It's fun and scary

Yesterday we went for a practice run with the offspring for the second time. This time it was my husband who was the supervisor while I sat in the back seat. It's unbelievable how different our ways of teaching are.

The offspring has a driving lesson at a driving school on Friday. I will sit in the back seat during the driving lesson to learn how we are going to teach him to drive. It will be exciting to see how much has changed since I got my driver's license 35 years ago.

ty Incom


He will be ready but not me

I was never a babysitter as a child or dreamed of becoming a mother.  I'm not even fond of children.

When our son was 72 hours old, my whole life changed. It was as if someone poured a bucket of perfectly tempered water over me for several minutes. From that moment on, I have loved my son more than I can put into words.

The older he gets, the closer I get to the time when he will leave us to build a life of his own. Many of our closest are already or have even passed this. My brain wants him to become independent and a driven person with goals in life while my heart wants him to depend on me for the rest of my life.

Heaven and hell at the same time, just like golf.


Glimmer of hope

I missed that Medical Properties Trust, Inc. common stock (MPW) almost cut its dividend in half. After adjusting my spreadsheet for this halving, $96 is missing to reach the forecast as of January 1, 2023.

Despite all the changes to the dividends during the year, I am confident that the outcome for 2023 will exceed the forecast as of January 1, 2023. Albeit by a narrow margin.

I hope that one of the companies that made a special dividend in September will also do so in December. The companies I hope will save the day are Blue Owl Capital Corporation Common Stock (OBDC), Fidus Investment Corporation Common Stock (FDUS), Golub Capital BDC, Inc. Common Stock (GBDC) or Main Street Capital Corporation Common Stock (MAIN).

The Swedish Green Party has lost it

For full transparency, I am politically very far from the Swedish Social Democrats and socialism.

The Swedish Green Party was founded by former members of cooperative parties to the Moderate Coalition Party. The Moderate Coalition Party biggest opponent is the Swedish Social Democratic Party.

Despite its origins, the Swedish Green Party has since moved to the left on the political scale and, in my opinion, belongs to the extreme left today.

In the previous election in 2018, the Moderate Collection Party became the largest political party in Stockholm municipality. However, they did not get a majority and decided to cooperate with the Green Party to gain power in Stockholm municipality. The consequence of this collaboration was that the Moderate Collection Party lost, quite rightly in my opinion, both power and a large part of its votes in the 2022 election.

Instead, Social Democrats became the largest party in Stockholm municipality in the last election. But, they too needed the support of the Green Party to gain power. Which in practice means the Green Party will govern in Stockholm municipality for another 4 years.

One year into this mandate, the Green Party has now decided that some parts of Stockholm city will become environmental zone 3, which means that only electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles will be driven within certain parts of Stockholm city. The implementation of this must begin in 2024 to be fully implemented by 2026. Emergency vehicles such as police, fire brigade, ambulances, prisoner transports and transport services for elderly have been exempted until further notice.

We are not affected personally as we have a Tesla model Y but I feel for everyone who will no longer be able to drive their car within the city limits.

Most environmentalists live in a neighborhood called Sodermalm in Stockholm. I propose that we make this part of the city environmental zone 4 and remove all municipal means of transport, ban all vehicles except bicycles and close all shops.

They can walk or bike to the neighborhood boundary to access these privileges found in the rest of the city. This would also apply to politicians from the Green Party who have the right to personal protection. Only then would they understand the magnitude of their insane decisions.

This will take time

Our son has unexpected talents. Our small bathroom has a shower while the main bathroom has a bathtub.

Both our son and I prefer to shower in the small bathroom. Two weeks ago, the world's most perfect teenager was supposed to take a shower. Normally he comes out after 2 hours but this time he came out after 2 minutes with the whole shower knob in his hand.

My husband is a trained plumber and even though it has been decades since he last worked as a plumber, he has decided to fix our shower himself because quote "no cares about our shower as much as I do" unquote.

Which means our 4 bedroom/2 bathroom condo has been turned into a 4 bedroom/1 bathroom…


I am sorry

We have no one in our presence affected by the massacre in Israel.

I cannot possibly feel the same sadness as the victims and their relatives, but I feel a deep sadness for all victims, especially for all children and babies.


One quarter left of 2023

Yesterday's sale of NewtekOne, Inc. Common Stock (NEWT) enabled the purchase of Horizon Technology Finance Corporation Common Stock (HRZN), Realty Income Corporation Common Stock (O) and Stellus Capital Investment Corporation Common Stock (SCM) today.

The consequence of these sales and acquisitions is that the estimated total for 2023 dividends is now back to the same amount we started 2023 with.

I still haven't given up hope that 2023 will exceed 2018 dividends. However, the prerequisites for surpassing last year have improved significantly.

Provided that nothing unforeseen happens in the next year, 2024 will be our second best dividend year. How many years it will be before we are back on 2019 dividends remains to be seen.

We finally ripped the band-aid off

Yesterday we made the decision to sell off all our shares in NewtekOne, Inc. Common Stock (NEWT) even though the share price is far from what we want. Sometimes you have to rip off the band-aid and move on.

As our holding in NEWT constituted a large part of our total holding, the consequence is that we have a large part of our portfolio uninvested at the moment. A portion of the sale will be reinvested in Stellus Capital Investment Corporation Common Stock (SCM) but exactly how much remains to be seen.

An ongoing struggle

My vertigo migraine does not really want to heal and causes problems in my life. While this is going on, I am fighting with the doctor of the world's most perfect teenager.

When the offspring was barely 4 years old, his doctor at the time discovered that Junior was suffering from an iron deficiency. Since then we have medicated him with a number of interruptions when the doctor at the time said quote "his values are so good so now we can stop medication" unquote only to have to start again after about 6 months.

As recently as April of this year, his current doctor said the exact same thing. I addressed his history and expressed my doubt. I was told that, given that the offspring is nearing the end of puberty, it will be different this time. 6 months later his iron level has dropped from 23 to 13. This time we will at least get a referral to a hematologist.

Even though we have the fifth highest tax burden in the world, the healthcare system does not work as it should. Both myself, my husband and our son have private health insurance. Without them we would not have received any help at all. In Sweden, you have to be healthy to be able to be sick.


Mind over matter

The summer golf season for the world's most perfect teenager ends today with a competition for the golf club's juniors.

The club has never had so many registrations for the competition, just under 100 juniors have signed up. The offspring isn't entirely comfortable playing golf with people he doesn't know.

While I feel for him, it's moments like these that strengthen his psyche. I really hope that everything we do for him builds him up for the future but for now we focus on today's competition.

My "toddler" drives a car

In Sweden, you can start practice driving 2 years before you turn 18. The world's most perfect teenager turned 16 at the end of August and yesterday was the first time he did a practice drive.

He practice drove with me for almost 2.5 hours. He started by driving in a large parking lot for the first hour just to get a feel for the car. Then I drove to a smaller residential area so he could practice driving in traffic.

In addition to interacting with buses, cars, cyclists, pedestrians, there were also 7 deer playing on the side of the road.

I have been driving for more than 35 years. I haven't gotten used to almost all functions being accessed via the screen yet.

Now I just have to find where to turn on the high beams on our Tesla...


A pattern is beginning to emerge

The more static I compile, the more fun it is. I have not adjusted the spreadsheet for the dividend increases that occurred during the year where the increase was ¢2 or less.

That should mean that when I adjust the sheet as of January 1, 2024, January 2024 will miss its target, albeit marginally.

Mainly due to the fact that the air in my air cushion is next to non-existent until any future dividend increases start coming. I need this air cushion for my hidden costs, brokerage, exchange fees, exchange rate differences, foreign withholding tax of 15% and DRIP.

The adjustments made in 2023 will hopefully contribute to a more correct outcome with fewer deviations in the form of monthly deficits or surpluses per month for 2024.

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Click to enlarge

We stick to our plan

We are continuing our acquisition of real estate companies even though real estate shares are losing value right now.

Yesterday we bought a very small amount of Realty Income Corporation Common Stock (O). The purchases were made in our joint portfolio as well as in our respective pension insurances.

Hopefully this gamble will pay off in the long run.


The last obstacle

Based on experience, we will miss the target for the whole of Q1 2024. We should hit the target in at least one of the months in Q2 to start reducing the deficit in the second half of the year and eventually turn the deficit into a surplus.

I need to figure out how to get the stack of executed dividends split into two different colored parts on top of each other divided into regular dividends and special and/or supplemental dividends. Next to this stack, I want a stack of a third suit for the estimated dividend.

So far I've only managed to stack all three of them in the same column. Luckily I have almost three months left. 😉

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Today we received the last dividend which refers to September's dividends.

The deficit we had based on the estimated dividends for January through September compared to actuals has turned to a surplus of $124.

Assuming we do not miss the target for any of the remaining months of the year, 2023 will be our third best dividend year to date.

That's a good result considering NewtekOne, Inc. Common Stock (NEWT) changed business focus and thus lowered its dividend plus we only reinvested the dividends in our portfolios and have no new savings.

Due to the pandemic and the more normal interest cost of our mortgages, I am no closer to my goal than I was 5 years ago, aside from 2019. There is still a long way to go to my goal, which is one pair of Christian Louboutin shoes per month.

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Goes on like a broken record... no longer

Finally, the Swedish krona has strengthened against both the US dollar and the euro, albeit marginally.

The main reason for this I believe is that the Swedish central bank AKA Riksbanken decided earlier this week to sell off large parts of its holdings in both € and $ in favor of the Swedish krona. By acting, they show the outside world that they believe in the Swedish krona. At the press conference, Riksbanken also emphasized Sweden's well-managed banks, etc.

The former head of Riksbanken, Stefan Ingves, failed catastrophically in his mission. Under his leadership, Riksbanken missed the target of 2% inflation in 201 months out of the 204 that he was head of Riksbanken.

From February 12, 2015 to January 7, 2020, the Swedish central bank applied negative nominal interest AKA negative interest. During these 59 months, Sweden had a boom.

I am aware that changing the culture that emerged under Stefan Ingve's rule during all these is not an easy task to change. I hope that the current head of state, Erik Thedéen, has managed to bring about to make some changes within the bank.

Perhaps it is the beginning of a new Riksbanken that we are seeing now that measures other than just raising the policy rate are taken.

Fingers crossed

Aside from a few minor dividends, we're just waiting on NewtekOne, Inc. Common Stock (NEWT) regarding September dividends.

The outcome will be better than both the original and the adjusted forecast for September. The deficit between received and expected dividend for the period January-September 2023 will be completely erased after NEWT's payment.

That the deficit is completely erased is due to all of September's special and supplementary dividends. If December is as good as September, 2023 will be our third best dividend year since 2017.

Why is it always a woman?

A female editorial writer named mrs. Jonna Sima Bank at one of Sweden's largest newspapers, Aftonbladet, writes in a tweet at X about a ...