
At some point, the right behavior must be rewarded

For transparency and my own agenda, I strongly dislike our previous government, the Social Democrats with the support of the Green Party and the tacit acceptance of the Left Party, who ruled Sweden for 8 years. At the last election, I voted for the current government.

In Sweden, there is a very popular form of savings called Investment Save Account (ISK). ISK is an account type where you can easily save in funds, shares and other securities without having to declare sales and dividends.

Instead, an annual standard tax is paid. You pay 30% tax on the standard income. For the income year 2023, the standard income was 2.94% of the capital base. The capital base, i.e. the holding of ISK, is taxed at 30% of the value. The result is that the tax is 0.882% of the value of the holding, the capital base, because 30% of 2.94% is 0.882%.

Starting next year, the current government has decided that the first $13,500 will be tax-free in ISK accounts and endowment insurances in Sweden. This has caused one of the parties in opposition, the Left Party, to go ballistic. Instead of seeing the benefits of that Average Joe being able to save up a $13,500 buffer, all the Left Party sees is a tax loss.

The Left Party consider that not everyone can save up a buffer of $13,500, which they say makes this tax cut unequal and unfair. I would add that not everyone wants to save up $13,500. Why does the Left Party always want to reward those who don't want to do the work and take responsibility for their own future at the expense of those who do?

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