
Small children small problems - big children big problems

Yesterday the world's for the moment not most perfect teenager and two of his friends were going to sleep over at a fourth friend's house. Junior and I picked up his friends and I then drove all the boys to the friend's house where they would spend the night. The guys have done this twice before this year and it has worked perfectly.

I had the uneasy feeling I always have when he's not home and told myself I must trust him, especially since he hasn't done anything in the past to make me distrust him. He turns 18 in 10 months and then becomes an "adult" according to Swedish law.

My husband and I were woken shortly after midnight by our burglar alarm going off. It was the offspring that had come home. My husband checked that everything was ok with Junior and came back to bed. My husband didn't mention Junior's condition last night when he came back to bed because he knows me too well and knew nothing good would come of it there and then. This morning the offspring admitted to me that he drank alcohol yesterday.

Now the world's most perfect husband and the world's most measly teenager have gone for a walk. The husband will explain to our young man how things work, i.e. you do NOT drink alcohol. Although both my husband and I understand that this is not the last time, Junior NEEDS to know that it is not ok.

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