
Which word you use matters, part II

CNN is not the only media outlet to use the wrong word. Even the Swedish Mainstream Media (MSM) chooses to use certain less loaded words where they minimize the size of the news. When a 9-year-old girl was raped in the summer of 2022 and then strangled with her own shoelaces so she suffered permanent brain damage, she was first named as a woman under a picture in connection with the news by the state-owned Swedish Radio (SR) P4 Vasterbotten. In the headline further down, she was correctly listed as a girl.

Last Thursday, pro-Palestinian activists chose to throw tomatoes and onions at the Swedish foreign minister, Maria Malmer Stenergard, during a debate in the Parliament. The Swedish evening newspaper Expressen, which belongs to the MSM, chose the headline quote "Parliament debate interrupted – tomatoes thrown at the foreign minister" unquote.

Today the same paper has the following headline regarding thousands of marine organisms drifting towards the Thai coast quote "Tourist paradise under attack - same every year" unquote. When the Swedish foreign minister is literally attacked during a debate in Sweden's Parliament, it is written that the debate is interrupted at the same time as a natural phenomenon becomes an attack.

The quality of Swedish MSM journalists is in free fall. Or is the will to report factually and objectively much weaker than their bias? Words have meaning.

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