This change means reduced tax revenue, which is a big difference from what the left claims, namely that this earned income tax credit will cost the government money. According to the reasoning of the left, all income in Sweden must belong to the state in order for a reduced income tax to become a cost. This strengthening of the earned income tax credit means that we who work get to keep a little more of our own money.
I am happy to help people who have difficulty finding work with my tax payments, but there are groups of people in Sweden who have chosen to live on various benefits such as housing allowance, child allowance, multi-child allowance etcetera.
There are even people who choose to divorce on paper so that whoever has custody of the children can then receive alimony from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. In connection with this procedure, the Swedish social service often helps the other custodian with a one-room apartment that the family sublet illegally because they still live as a couple in real life.
An uncle of one of my friends did exactly this. My friend ended up contacting the Swedish social service as he couldn't stand his uncle receiving various benefits and even a one bedroom apartment at my friend's expense AKA tax money.
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