
I hope the night's activities don't affect his game

In addition to personal hygiene, our evening routines include double-checking that the entrance and balcony doors are locked and activating the perimeter protection. It's something we've been doing for the past 25 years, long before it became as criminal as it is in Sweden these days.

During these years, the world's most perfect husband has changed the batteries in the alarm detectors about 30 times. Every time the battery in a detector runs out, the alarm system perceives it as a tamper alarm and goes into action. Of those 30 times, this has happened more than 25 times at night, most recently last night.

The first time it happened I was sure someone was trying to break in but these days I'm calmer. Even though we're pretty sure it's a tamper alarm due to a bad battery, the world's most perfect husband always checks the doors. Every time the alarm goes off, the alarm center calls and you have to state your name, address and special codes. If you don't answer, guards are sent out to enter the apartment, this has happened to us once. After the world's most perfect husband performed all the procedures and returned to bed, I was wide awake. At 5:00 a.m. (GMT+2) I gave up and sat on the sofa instead, by which time I had been twisting and turning for almost 3 hours.

The fact that the husband is leaving for a golf tournament this morning and won't be home until late tomorrow night doesn't make matters any better. Even though we've been together for 30 years on Tuesday next week, I hate it when he's not home.

This golf competition is special, it was started by my husband and a friend of his 35 years ago. The first year they were 4 friends, the following year they were 8. Today places are limited to 40 people and it is always fully booked, one year my husband didn't even get to partake.

In the statutes, which were written 35 years ago, it is stated that no women or minors may participate. Next year, the world's most perfect teenager turns 18 and is no longer a minor. Junior has already made it clear to his dad that he intends to win the competition next year. The co-founder has a daughter who is the same age as Junior but she will not be allowed to participate.

The rules were written by 2 very young men who wanted to avoid drama with girlfriends at all costs. That they would grow up, get married and have children did not exist in their world then and there. Although I would have loved to come along and compete, I'm glad they're sticking with tradition and not changing the rules.

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