
I gained a new understanding

The world's most perfect teenager under no circumstances wants to see me without clothes. Every time I'm going to shower, I inform him so he can stay in his room with the door closed until I'm completely finished and dressed. I've always found Junior oversensitive and a bit ridiculous but respected his wish.

Tonight my 78-year-old dad called and was having problems with his computer, one of his email accounts had "disappeared". When it comes to my dad's computer skills, there is a lot to be desired, so I always switch to FaceTime when I need to support him over the phone. When we switched from a regular call to FaceTime, I saw that my dad was wearing a tank top. It was such a horrible experience so I yelled out quote "Are you wearing a tank top?" unquote. As I tried to erase the image from my retina, I could hear my mom laughing loudly in the background.

I gained a completely different understanding of Junior's wish.

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