
It's lucky that you become tough with time

The largest 24-hour price movement occurred on Friday, August 2, 2024, with the US dollar depreciating -0.775 percent against the Swedish Krona. On the same day, the latest news from the bureau of labor statistics was published.

According to Bloomberg, analysts' expectations for unemployment statistics were that July's outcome would be on par with June's outcome, 4.1 percent. The proportion of the population that is part of the labor force amounted to 62.7 percent compared to 62.6 percent the month before. Expectations were not met as the US unemployment rate hit 4.3 percent in July, sending the NASDAQ Composite Index down 2.43 percent.

The combination of these two variables on the same day made a clear impression on our portfolio value. An imprint only eclipsed by declines that occurred during the chaotic period of Covid-19. It's times like these that I'm thankful for my "relatively" young and strong heart.

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