
Time flies

Yesterday was the birthday of the world's most perfect husband. When we started dating he had just turned 27, yesterday he turned 57. The definition of the time period generation varies depending on which part of the world you are in. A family generation can be described as the time from the mother's first child to first grandchild.

In developing countries, a generation can last 20 years on average, but up to 30 years in other countries. In our part of the world they say that a generation is up to 30 years, which means that later this fall we will have been together for a generation.

Time has passed and there has been a lot of water under the bridges since we got wet at the local diner. In retrospect, it seems that we act in five-year intervals. It took 5 years before we got engaged, the same year we started our first company together. 5 years later we got married and 3 years thereafter the world's most perfect baby was born.

At the end of this month we will celebrate 20 years of marriage. The paradox of knowing each other as well as we do after 30 years is that while I would like him to buy me a piece of jewelry on his own as a 20 year wedding present, I absolutely do not want it because we have such different tastes.

Three decades of love ❤️

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