
We are one of the lucky few

For full transparency, I have no one in my vicinity who has underlying diseases and is thus included in the risk zone.

We lost no one near or dear family member or friend to Covid-19. Nor did anyone in our vicinity suffer from serious symptoms of the disease.

All three of us in our little family fell ill with Covid-19 at one point .The only symptom we suffered was loss of smell and taste. The world's most perfect husband's sense of smell is still a little impaired.

Due to the timing of our illness and the fact that you would not be vaccinated within a certain time frame if you had been sick with Covid-19, we only took a shot. I am grateful given the vaccine's short test period that we only took one shot.

We are fully vaccinated according to the Swedish vaccination program plus a further number of voluntary vaccinations including TBE (Tick Borne Encephalitis). The school that the world's most perfect teenager attends requires that the entire family is fully vaccinated according to the Swedish vaccination program, apart from Covid-19. I am grateful that the school requires this.

However, I get angry at people who do not vaccinate themselves or any children against measles. The measles vaccine is safe, developed over a long period of time and thoroughly tested.

Once again, Sweden is hit by an admittedly small but nonetheless outbreak of measles. This is an incredibly selfish approach.

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