
I ❤️ our family

Today we celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and the world's most perfect teenager turns 17. As we work and Junior goes to school, the three of us will celebrate by ourselves tonight while the grandparents, godparents and friends come on Sunday for a bigger celebration. Last night we hung the garlands, prepared the presents, took out the birthday bell and assembled the birthday train. Traditions are very important to me.

Although we decided to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary, it will be overshadowed by Junior's birthday.


Extremely proud mom

Today, the world's most perfect teenager received an email from Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language, or DELE. He passed his exam and even though he chose to take the exam at the lowest level, DELE level A1, I am incredibly proud of him. This is Junior's first but hopefully not last Diploma (certificate).

Junior maintained his Spanish throughout grade 10 on his own with 2 hours of self-study per week in the school library with the support of his former Spanish teacher. Neither I nor the world's most perfect husband could help him because neither of us can really speak Spanish.

I studied Spanish in high school but I barely know any Spanish at all because the teacher and I didn't get along. He was a communist and came to classes barefoot in the summers. In retrospect, I wish that instead of skipping the Spanish lessons, I had asked to change teachers.

He listens to his own people, hopefully

The world's most perfect teenager attends a fantastic school. He has just started the first of his two-year Diploma Programme. Instead of the principal or a teacher speaking in front of the freshmen about what will be required of them, the school had invited some of the students who graduated earlier this summer.

For Junior, it meant a lot more that it was former students he met in the hallway last year who explained in a way he could relate to. I really hope Junior really takes this information to heart considering his own words when he got home quote "mom, Dylan said if you have to keep up from the beginning, there's no point trying to catch up, doesn't work" unquote.

The next few months will show how much he really took to heart.

My husband - the hoarder

My dad is a hoarder of large proportions. When my parents sold my childhood home after living there for almost 40 years, my mom ordered a large garbage container. At the same time as my mom was throwing things away, my dad was going around the container and picking things back up. Finally, mom had enough and explained to dad that if he wanted to continue, he would have to handle the move all by himself. Dad ended up giving in and the garbage container was filled to the brim.

The world's most perfect husband has always bullied his father-in-law for his hoarder tendencies. Last weekend I decided to clean out our closets. Mine and Junior's were no problem. Anything that was torn or outgrown was thrown away. But when I started my husband's closet, I hit a brick wall.

Somewhat diplomatically, you can say that my husband has built a bit of "mass" in recent years. This means that most of his clothes these days look slim fit rather than than the classic fit that they actually are. Since my husband would rather die than wear these clothes, I wanted to throw them away. However, that was out of the question.

My husband lives in an illusion that he will lose weight. He tried to camouflage his illusion with the excuse that Junior will want these clothes in the future. I know hell will freeze over before the offspring can even think of wearing these old outdated and even sometimes torn clothes.

I married a version of my dad, obviously.

I should have known

Given my history of allergies to certain medications, numbing creams, and silicone, I should have assumed that I am also sensitive to certain patches. Already on Friday evening it started to itch mainly under one eye but also a little under the other.

At first I thought "it's amazing how fast I'm healing" considering that wounds itch when they heal but oh how wrong I was. The skin has "risen" under the patch and is irritated. I have rescheduled the appointment for stitch removal and am going there tomorrow morning instead. It will be so nice to get the patch and stitches off. Right now it's itching so much I'm counting the hours until it's done.

Hopefully this hasn't affected the healing and I won't get ugly scars under both eyes.

The last year he is legally ours 💔

Tomorrow is the birthday of the world's most perfect teenager, he turns 17. This birthday will be bittersweet because this is the last year before he comes of age. I want this year to go slowly, while the offspring want the exact opposite. The result will most likely be that in my world the year will have passed in the blink of an eye, while for Junior, time will move slower than a snail.

I can't understand where all the years have gone. It feels like yesterday I was pregnant and next year at this time he will be legally an adult. In Sweden, the 18th birthday is an important event, you can get a driver's license, vote in the government, municipal & county council elections, get married, do military service and go to war, buy alcohol in restaurants and bars but not buy alcohol in a store. In Sweden, the state has a monopoly on alcohol sales. Restaurants and bars pay the same amount as private individuals do in the stores run by the state and is named Systembolaget.

All Junior wishes for his birthday is new controllers for his VR and stocks. My in-laws chose to purchase the controls and my parents have purchased 9 shares of Horizon Technology Finance Corporation Common Stock (HRZN). To make the shares a little more of a gift, I have helped my parents compile a chart of the dividends over the time period 2024-2032 under the assumption that the dividend does not change and an exchange rate based on 1USD=10SEK. The chart also assumes that Junior buys a new share as soon as the dividend reaches the required amount.

See the chart below.

Click to enlarge


Damage control

In addition to investing in Creaspac, a so-called Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) on our endowment insurance at Nordnet, we had forgotten that we made exactly the same investment on Avanza. So we were surprised last week when we got the purchase price back from Avanza. Today we chose to invest the money in British American Tobacco Industries, p.l.c. Common Stock ADR (BTI).

The sale of TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. Ordinary share (TPVG) earlier this month which resulted in a reduced dividend is almost restored. Compared to August 1, we have $103 less in dividends per year. Hopefully this damage will be completely erased within a couple of weeks.

I always end up paying

I finally got my natural hair color back, brown. Actually, my current hair color is partially gray, but I highly doubt I will ever accept my grays. Most likely I will always dye them.

As I sat with the dye in my hair, the nail artist came over and said she wanted to do a simple manicure on me while I waited for it to be time to rinse out the dye for PR purposes. I was definitely not up to it and turned it down twice before finally accepting the offer. I got a very simple manicure that took 15 minutes.

When I paid for the hair treatment, I was also charged full price for a half manicure. I'm afraid of conflict so I paid in full and looked happy. I will never get a manicure at this salon though. If my hairdresser wasn't so incredibly good at her job, I would have changed salons.

I know you're supposed to be kind - not stupid, I'm obviously stupid.


"The crime" without punishment

One of Sweden's largest occupational pension companies, Alecta, is once again in trouble. The latest was in 2022 when it emerged that they had invested large sums of pension money in SVB Financial Group Stamaktie (SIVB). Now it has been discovered that Alecta apparently did not learn but continued with its bad investments even the following year, i.e. 2023, with the Swedish pension money.

The battery storage company Polarium was predicted to have a bright future with sky-high profit growth when Harald Mix sold billions in shares to Alecta in autumn 2022, with an investment basis that JP Morgan was very positive about. The outcome was instead large losses, a collapse in valuations and finally a cash crisis. According to its own statement, the company would make the world more sustainable with its smart modular energy storage solutions, built on lithium-ion technology.

Those who enable the looting of public funds such as tax money, pension money or the like are either extremely naive or they get their share of the pie. I am thankful that me and the world's most perfect husband understood in our twenties that we will not receive a nickel from the tax payments we make during our working lives.

Getting older isn't cheap

Yesterday, a bruise began to be clearly visible under the right eye after the "surgery" last Friday. Because of the stitches, I also can't put makeup over the bruise and just have to like it as it is. Also, my morals keep me from staying home from work because of a bruise even if my vanity gets a thorn.

I have an appointment to have the stitches removed on Friday but will try to push it back to Thursday instead. The tape that protects the stitches itches and pulls on the face. One side itches more than the other and last night I woke up scratching the wound, it hurt like he**.

Early tomorrow I'm going to the hairdresser, who is the hottest thing we have in Stockholm right now in terms of hairdressing. Sitting there for 2 hours looking like an abuse victim is not something I look forward to but the drive to get rid of my blonde hair outweighs the discomfort of possibly being stared at.

Next Monday, the work to get a dental crown will also begin. It is a tooth that has taken a lot of stress in connection with the braces and the subsequent operation 18 years ago that must now be fixed.

Sweden is still a major exporter but...

The world's most perfect teenager is literally everything for us and with all the violence that goes on daily in Sweden, it's hard to give him a little freer rein. Not a single morning goes by without us waking up to reports of shootings, explosions or stabbings during the night. This violence is carried out exclusively by various criminal gangs. Due to Swedish legislation that does not punish people under the age of 15, the gangs recruit children as young as 13 to carry out murders on their behalf.

Sweden used to be known for IKEA, Ericsson, Volvo, Saab, Alfa Laval, ABBA, Minecraft, LKAB etcetra but nowadays we are more known for another type of export among the Scandinavian countries, gang murder. The Scandinavian countries include Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Sometimes Finland is also included. Due to its proximity to southern Sweden, Denmark has been hit particularly hard by this "export".

So hard that Sweden's Minister of Justice Gunnar Strommer traveled to Denmark earlier this week to participate in a meeting with Denmark's Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard to draw up guidelines for a Danish-Swedish cooperation in the fight against gang crime.

In a post on Instagram, the state-run Danish Radio (DR) channel P3 recently mocked Sweden with the headline quote "Things we buy when the Swedish krona is low:" unquote. The picture shows candy, chocolate, snuff - and contract murder.


Sweden above all

The Swedish krona strengthens further against the US dollar and has reached a new annual high for 2024. To exchange 1 USD costs 10.18 SEK at the exchange offices. Our total portfolio value reached a new ATM calculated in USD yesterday while our actual value in SEK is 6.75% lower than ATM. This makes it clear that the exchange rate for us is the strongest variable of the value of our portfolio calculated in SEK.

As a Swede, I am grateful that the Swedish krona and thus confidence in Sweden and its economy is strengthened, while on a personal level I am equally grateful that we have all investments in USD because I am convinced that it is the only right long term.

Yesterday the Swedish krona had its strongest position in 2024 at 1 USD to 10.15 SEK, which is closer to my prediction that a 1 USD will not cost less than 10 SEK this year than I feel comfortable with for my prediction to hold.

However, I put Sweden's best interests first and hope that my prediction turns out to be wrong.

The time has come

Yesterday's speech by the head of the Federal Reserve (FED) Jerome Powell in Jackson Hole gave clear indications of an upcoming policy rate cut in September. The head of FED said his confidence has increased that inflation is on a sustainable path toward the 2 percent target, that inflation has fallen significantly and is now much closer to the target and the worst of the pandemic-related disruptions have now abated.

Mr. Jerome Powell also pointed out that the central bank does not want to see a further decline in the labor market. He said quote "The labor market is no longer overheated and conditions are less tight than they were before the pandemic. We are not seeking or welcoming a further cooling of labor market conditions." unquote. According to Jerome Powell has the time has come and the direction is clear while the timing and speed of descent depends on incoming data points.

In contrast to Sweden's Erik Thedéen who is not receptive to his surroundings, Jerome Powell seems to put the country's best interests first and will act instead of react.

I was very nervous, but I did it

Yesterday I had surgery to remove my Xanthelasma AKA yellow spots of cholesterol formations. It was only one of my cholesterol values ​​that was elevated and therefore the cardiovascular specialist thought I should wait on the medication until further notice. Instead, I would make some changes to my diet and retake the tests later this fall.

The time period between becoming aware that I probably had elevated cholesterol and having it confirmed was almost exactly one month. After that, it took me almost two months to change my diet and routine, even though I was disgusted by the thought of my clogged arteries. Since five weeks I only eat sweets, drink soda and black tea with sugar only on Saturdays and then in much smaller quantities than before. If I want to drink tea on one of the other days, I drink red tea without sugar, which is not as good at all.

Although yesterday's procedure was minor, it is classified as surgery. In total, there were three and two stitches respectively under each corner of the eye. Friday next week I will remove the stitches. I'm glad I went ahead and had the procedure done but am worried about the stitch removal, I've never had stitches removed before. I have only been stitched up once before in connection with a major jaw surgery 18 years ago that took more than six hours. That time I was stitched with resorbable stitches that were absorbed over time.

When I remove the stitches next Friday, the entire procedure will have taken exactly four months.


It is easy to shop with other people's money

For transparency and my own agenda, I strongly dislike our previous government, the Social Democrats with the support of the Green Party and the tacit acceptance of the Left Party, who ruled Sweden for 8 years. At the last election, I voted for the current government.

The waste of Swedish tax money continues. Once again, it is the city of Malmo that continues to shop with other people's money. Malmo City is one of the localities that receives money from municipal economic equalization. In the midst of a health care crisis, the region of Skane chooses to spend $690,900 on "moving" the world's oldest tree to Malmo.

The tree actually belongs in Dalarna, but with the help of scientists, engineers and close to $700,000 worth of tax money, a cutting and a specially designed greenhouse have been produced in the hope of creating a "welcoming environment" for the hospital. The tree has previously cloned itself naturally, with parts of the tree's root system surviving over the years and new trunks emerging over time, making "Old Tjikko" the world's oldest living tree.

Five years ago, the researchers at Skogforsk were tasked with trying to artificially clone the tree, which eventually succeeded. Producing 36 grafts (tree clones) cost "only" $10,138, but keeping them alive is more expensive...

The fact that the world's oldest tree is found on Fulufjallet is probably because it thrives there. The adaptation to the Scanian climate therefore became an expensive challenge, the cutting will be placed inside a cylindrical climate chamber that is 30'6 (9.3 m) high and 16'4  (5 m) in diameter, equipped with air conditioning, light, supply air fan and remote cooling.

When asked why an engineer was tasked with cooling down a greenhouse that is out in the sun to ~50°F (10°C), 1 out of the 120 of Malmo city's communicators explains that visitors and employees in the hospital area can follow the tree's life cycle, while simultaneously making the life-sustaining technology visible.

We live the H.C. Andersen's book "The Emperor's New Clothes"

Much can be said about the current president of Argentina, Javier Milei, and I am far too ill-read to express myself at all. But I heard a quote attributed to him quote "just because we give a stupid person a diploma doesn't mean that person is smart" unquote. The quote is very spot on how we in the western world do not dare to question something that 10-15 years ago would have made everyone spontaneously burst out laughing because it is so stupid.

I am absolutely no better than anyone else, last weekend I sat around the dinner table with ten friends without any of us questioning the good friend who claimed something that was obviously untrue. Another example is that in England, x-ray staff must now ask all patients between the ages of 12 and 55 if they are pregnant. If I were a transman, my self-preservation and above all MY LOVE FOR MY UNBORN CHILD would compel me to inform the medical staff of my condition. A biological man cannot get pregnant.

5 lives down, 4 to go

The company with more lives than the cat continues to survive. Today there were negotiations in the district court between Oscar Properties Holdings AB (OP) and the Swedish Tax Agency.

The  Swedish Tax Agency had filed to declare (OP) bankruptcy due to unpaid taxes, specifically $405,000. In the middle of the negotiations, (OP's) CFO Rickard Bagge suddenly asked the Swedish Tax Agency for a respite until the end of October before the court decides on a bankruptcy.

According to CFO Richard Bagge, if all goes well, up to $2,251,000 will come into the company later this fall. Based on the Swedish Tax Agency's representative Caroline Schauman, the company has provided an explanation of how to settle the tax debts, and the Swedish Tax Agency finds that explanation credible. In the end, the decision came, (OP) gets a postponement of the bankruptcy until October 31, 2024.

The last word has not yet been said in the saga of Oscar Properties Holdings AB (OP), but I am 100 percent sure that the company will be declared bankrupt before the turn of the year.

SEK vs USD 🥊

Yesterday, the Swedish krona strengthened against the US dollar to its strongest value for 2024. Right now you pay 10.2 SEK for 1 USD, which can be compared to July 30, when you paid 10.85 SEK for 1 USD. The strongest position the Swedish krona has had against the US dollar in the last twelve months is SEK 9.94 per USD.

This is a bit of a Catch-22 for us personally. A weak Swedish krona benefits our portfolio value, our dividends will be higher, but acquisitions made with "new savings", for example the world's most perfect husband's pension, will be very expensive. If I could wish, I would prefer to see a slightly stronger Swedish krona.

What happens to the exchange rate difference between SEK and USD if the Federal Reserve (FED) lowers the policy rate remains to be seen.

I shall keep my fingers crossed

A cut in the US policy rate is approaching, reports Bloomberg with reference to the protocol of the Federal Reserve (FED) published on Wednesday evening (GMT+2). According to Bloomberg, a prominent majority of members of the FED's interest committee are in favor of a cut at the September meeting. There were members of the committee who already wanted to lower the US policy rate in July, Bloomberg continues.

Let's hope that Bank of America Corporation Common Stock (BAC) gets its forecast right, indicating that the FED's efforts to bring down US inflation seem to have worked and that the FED will be more responsive to its surroundings than the Swedish central bank.


When will the sugar cravings decrease?

This is my fifth week of drastically reducing my sugar intake. Last Saturday, at the crayfish party, I ate a small number of candy pieces, a piece of blueberry pie, a piece of chocolate cake and drank two cans of Sprite (not Zero). Also, I made sure to drink about 33 oz (1 liter) of water. I haven't had a headache since Sunday last week, which means hopefully I'm not hypersensitive to white sugar.

In addition to this, I have also been careful with my protein intake and have not cheated a single day. So far I haven't noticed any improvement when it comes to my vertigo but on the other hand it hasn't gotten worse.

To improve my sleep, I have started taking magnesium as a  dietary supplement. It can take up to a couple of weeks before you notice a difference and I'm on day three so so far I haven't noticed anything.

Despite all these changes, I still have a massive craving for sweets.

When you are completely out of touch with reality

The criticism of the Swedish central bank AKA Riksbanken is massive the day after the publication of their latest decision on the policy rate. The Swedish business community, Svensk Handel,  and the various trade unions make a common cause and agree with the criticism. Svensk Handel's, chief economist Maria Mikkonen warns of quotes "Companies and jobs are at stake." unquote. While the trade union Landsorganisationen (LO's) chief economist Torbjorn Hallo says quote "an excessively high policy rate has damaged the country's economic growth" unquote.

Although yesterday Riksbanken opened for three further policy rate cuts later in the year, they are completely meaningless as long as they are not implemented. Riksbanken's track record is not spotless. For example, Riksbanken announced its then interest rate path on 26 April 2023 and stated that the policy rate will peak at an average of 3.7 percent in 2024 and then drop slightly to 3.6 percent in 2025. Which did not match reality at all. Already on 27 September 2023, Riksbanken had raised the policy rate to 4 percent.

Empty vessels make the most noise.

Questionable behavior

One of Sweden's major commercial banks, Swedbank, has its origins in the Savings Banks movement from the 1820s. Sparbanken later became Swedbank and today has a strong connection to the Swedish Social Democrats. One of the major owners of the now listed bank Swedbank is Folksamsgruppen with approximately 9.3% of Swedbank's share capital.

Folksamgruppen is a mutual company that offers insurance and pension savings. Being insured at the beginning of the 20th century was not a matter of course for the common man., so the idea was to create better conditions and greater security for ordinary people. Which is the origin of today's Folksamsgruppen, which is owned by trade unions, Sweden's Social Democrats and "the people".

The chairman of the board of Swedbank since 2019 is former Social Democratic Party leader and Prime Minister Goran Persson. Yesterday, Sweden's central bank AKA Riksbanken lowered the Swedish policy rate by 25 basis points. Swedbank was extremely quick in its communication and announced that it is lowering its savings rate by 25 points. However, Swedbank chooses NOT to change the interest rate on either mortgages or other loans.


Stronger Swedish krona means a weaker portfolio value

The Swedish krona continues to strengthen against the US dollar. Today's exchange rate value for the US dollar compared to the Swedish krona is at the lowest level of the year. The exchange rate is the single largest variable for the value of our portfolio value.

Mr. Bo Hansson, formerly employed at Riksbanken, predicted a strengthening of the Swedish krona in an interview earlier this week. It's incredibly impressive that he saw this coming. I assume that Mr. Bo Hansson is one of those who is unhappy with today's 25 basis point cut in the policy rate, given his statement in the interview earlier this week where he said anything short of a double cut is misconduct.

I gained a new understanding

The world's most perfect teenager under no circumstances wants to see me without clothes. Every time I'm going to shower, I inform him so he can stay in his room with the door closed until I'm completely finished and dressed. I've always found Junior oversensitive and a bit ridiculous but respected his wish.

Tonight my 78-year-old dad called and was having problems with his computer, one of his email accounts had "disappeared". When it comes to my dad's computer skills, there is a lot to be desired, so I always switch to FaceTime when I need to support him over the phone. When we switched from a regular call to FaceTime, I saw that my dad was wearing a tank top. It was such a horrible experience so I yelled out quote "Are you wearing a tank top?" unquote. As I tried to erase the image from my retina, I could hear my mom laughing loudly in the background.

I gained a completely different understanding of Junior's wish.

You never EVER postpone a tax payment

This morning at 9:30 a.m. (GMT+2) the announcement came from Sweden's central bank AKA Riksbanken that it is lowering the policy rate by 25 basis points to 3.5%. The disappointment is great among all actors who had hoped for 50 points, i.e. a double reduction. This will most likely deepen and prolong the ongoing Swedish recession.

Unemployment increases daily with both notices and layoffs. Bankruptcies have also increased. During Covid-19, companies that suffered from a lack of liquidity and declining sales could apply for postponement of the payment of various taxes. This deferment ends on September 11, 2024, which means that all taxes are due for payment as of September 12, 2024. I suspect bankruptcies will increase next month.

In Sweden, taxes are personal, which means that in the event of bankruptcy, all taxes that a company owes to the Swedish state are transferred from the company to the board. In reality, this means that many business owners who will have to file for bankruptcy next month will also have a large personal tax debt.


The neverending story

After six days a week for eight weeks of supporting, controlling and pushing the world's most perfect teenager's summer studies, I was living under the delusion that I would have a week or maybe two before he got his first Year 11 homework.

But no, this Friday is Junior's most important math test throughout his Diploma Program education. How he performs on this test will determine whether he is allowed to study Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) Maths for the next two years. In order to have a chance to study at HL, me and Junior have decided that he will continue every day until Thursday next week with a math section every day on savemyexams.

After that, the offspring will alternate between maths, chemistry and physics for the rest of the year. By Christmas we will have a first evaluation if savemyexams is as good as Junior claims.

I hope that Riksbanken starts to act and react

Now in late summer, the real estate market is starting to pick up again after the summer break. There have never been as many one-bedroom apartments for sale as there are now. The more normal interest rate situation compared to previous years' negative policy rate has broken many owners of the smallest apartments. That this group of owners has been hit harder is generally due to the fact that they are more often younger and single borrowers with lower incomes and no profit from previous home sales to fall back on as this is often their first home purchase.

Many of them clearly did not have the margin between an unhealthy negative policy rate that meant for them a monthly interest cost of about $275 to today's more normal monthly interest cost of $775. At the same time, the entire blame cannot be placed on the young and inexperienced borrowers as the former head of Sweden's central bank AKA Riksbanken said as late as April 27, 2021 that Sweden would have a zero policy rate until the summer of 2024. Instead, the then central bank governor Stefan Ingves, as opposed to acting, reacted to the outside world and raised the policy rate as early as May 5, 2022.

Personally, I believe that through its actions Riksbanken has deepened Sweden's current recession and last year's rampant inflation by constantly reacting and not acting. I called for an increase in the policy rate many years before Riksbanken's first increase in the policy rate when I considered it insane to have a negative policy rate during a boom. EVERYONE knows that Riksbanken's measures take time before they are noticed in the economy, therefore it is of the utmost importance that they act and not react.

I heard an interview with Bo Hansson, former employee of Riksbanken, earlier this week who said that if Riksbanken does not make a double cut, i.e. 50 basis points, of the policy rate on Tuesday next week, it is almost a misconduct given all the data they have about Sweden's current economy.

Personally, I think that Erik Thedéen, present central bank governor, wants to show himself strong and independent and thus lowers by 25 points.


I really hope I haven't developed a hypersensitivity

At our big family gathering last Saturday I drank juice, tea with white sugar and ate 5 pieces of candy for the first time in 3 weeks and was rewarded with a headache on Sunday.

Today we are invited to a crayfish party at our good friends' summer house. Unlike the world's most perfect husband who absolutely loves crayfish, I loathe them. However, I love the concept of "crayfish party" with hats, string lights, friends and balmy August evenings. The world's most perfect teenager doesn't want to come with us under any circumstances, so we let him stay home and play online with his friends.

I'm going to make a second attempt at eating some candy and drinking soda tonight. The only reason for this is that I don't want to be in the limelight any more than I already am by being the only one who doesn't eat crayfish. It sounds cheesy but my husband's bestie loves to single me out and tease me.

Just by giving up sweets and soda in these 4 weeks I have lost 4.4 lb. (2 kg) to 131.2 lb. (59.5kg), I'm 5'6 (168cm). The goal of quitting white sugar is NOT to lose weight but to avoid daily headaches, but it's not like I'm sad about this consequence. If I get a headache again tomorrow, my vertigo specialist is right and I have developed a hypersensitivity to sugar after more than 30 years of sugar and soda abuse.


We probably live more environmentally friendly than environmentalists

Today we bought a small number of shares in British American Tobacco Industries, p.l.c. Common Stock ADR (BTI) to the world's most perfect teenager's portfolio. Our goal with the money we save for Junior is for it to grow and at the same time give as much return as possible.

"Saving the planet" or investing "green" while maximizing growth and returns is not a match made in heaven, we have no principles when it comes to owning shares in companies whose business areas are tobacco or alcohol to Junior. Opinions on what constitutes "green" investing also differ depending on who you talk to.

Personally, I believe that nuclear power plants are much more environmentally friendly than wind power plants. Wind turbines kill an incredible number of birds, leak oil, create a noise that scares the animals in the road and, above all, they cannot be recycled.

We contribute to the environment more "hands-on", we walk instead of driving, have only flown once since 2020, we have only driven our soon-to-be-one-year-old electric car 2175 miles (3500 km) and we don't buy fast fashion.

Dad is on mom's naughty list

Today is my parents' 55th wedding anniversary. In all these years my dad has remembered this day 1 time. I had intended to remind him yesterday but unfortunately completely forgot. Mom called me this forenoon and told me that Dad had forgotten their wedding day as usual. She wasn't angry or sad, just stating that there is nothing new under the sun.

I called dad straight away and asked what his plans were for tonight, he was going to buy a bouquet of flowers on the way home. It is on occasions like this that it becomes a little extra clear what a difference there is between women and men, at least in my family.

I could not let him make the situation worse so I went to Dior and picked out mom's favorite perfume and a Dioriviera Toile de Jouy Soleil Mitzah Scarf. He picked up the package 2 hours later, hopefully this will get him some extra points.

That he never learns. 😡

Here we go again

As the first country, Sweden yesterday confirmed the first disease case of the new, more serious form of mpox (called mpox clade I), formerly known as monkeypox, outside the African continent. This caused the Danish pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic (BAVA), which makes the vaccine against this disease, to rush on the Danish stock market exchange at the opening today. So far, (BAVA) has increased more than 11.59% compared to the opening price.

Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist at the Public Health Agency, says that quote "It concerns a person who has been infected during a stay in a part of Africa where there is an ongoing spread of mpox clade I. The person in Sweden who has been confirmed to be infected has received care and rules of conduct .", unquote.

I sincerely hope that Sweden has taken new measures compared to Covid-19 and now quarantines people who come from infected areas until it is proven that the person(s) are free of infection.

There are no limits to the nativity

It appears that the younger generation and especially the 90s have a different value when it comes to work and the balance between work and leisure. What this will mean for the individual and society in the long run remains to be seen. Should Sweden legislate on a reduced working week from 40 hours to 35 hours with a maintained salary, the Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE) claims that the outcome would only be positive.

According to FORTE, there are really no direct disadvantages for the employee in that situation. The part-time workers would not miss any of the social benefits at the workplace and the cost would be covered by the employer. The workers would be more rested, have more time for leisure activities and be able to spend time with their children.

With this reasoning, FORTE assumes that all companies would "swallow" this cost increase of 12.5% ​​of personnel costs. I am convinced that this cost increase will be transferred to the companies' products and services. This means that FORTE's reasoning that everyone gets more leisure time with a maintained salary is correct BUT the disposable income will fall.


For the next 6 months I have double work

First day of school and I'm already back at my part-time job answering emails and texts from school. In the afternoon, even the battery in my cell phone ran out. How I will cope with my day job remains to be seen, if there was an extensive flow of information in the previous years, the school seems to have stepped up the pace even further on the Diploma Programme.

Every little helps

Crescent Capital BDC, Inc. Common Stock (CCAP) announced on August 12 that it will also pay a special dividend on September 16 of ¢9.

Following the recent redistribution where we sold off our entire holding in TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. Common stock (TPVG) in favor of Ares Capital Corporation Common Stock (ARCC), British American Tobacco Industries, p.l.c. Common Stock ADR (BTI), NNN REIT, Inc. Common Stock (NNN) and Oxford Lane Capital Corp. Common Stock (OXLC) and thereby reduced our annual dividend by $639, every nickel is welcome.

In addition to lowering our annual dividend, the aforementioned redistribution is the reason why September will be our worst performing month in Group 3. Our current interim goal at the moment is to restore the annual dividend to the same level as before as we reduced the risk in the portfolio.

Ka-ching 💰💰💰

Nordea is the Nordic region's largest bank. The Nordic region is a land area consisting of Denmark, Greenland, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Aland Islands.

Today is the best dividend day of the month as several holdings have a payout day today. Of our three trustees, Avanza, Nordea and Nordnet, it is Nordea that has the fastest payout routine, they have already paid out most of today's dividends.

Nordea's structure is complex and the various businesses have completely separate data systems. So when I make a transfer from my transaction account in Nordea to my endowment insurance in Nordea, the time is the same as if I had made a transfer from an external bank, for example, SEB. Despite or thanks to this, Nordea has the absolute shortest processing time between actual payment day and our endowment insurance having been credited.

So far today, we have received approximately 26% of the month's estimated dividends.

Start of school

Today is the first "real" day of school for the world's most perfect teenager. Yesterday it was just registration, meeting his new teacher and being introduced to his new classroom. Waking him up at 7 a.m. was no easy task. He was mad as a hornet and I had to force him out of bed. Even though we started the time change from summer break hours to weekday hours several days ago, it gets harder the older he gets. I guess I'll have a grumpy and cranky teenager every morning until the middle of next week.

Despite all the resistance, I got him to eat breakfast, do his morning hygiene, get dressed and get to school on time. I should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this feat.

Hopefully seeing all the friends again makes up for the setback of school starting again. To add further agony, tonight we begin his "detox" from all the computer games he's been playing all summer. He always gets irritated and grumpy at first when we limit his playing.

This is the first year of his IB Diploma Programme so now there is no time to relax or not do his best.

It seems to be going according to plan

Swedish inflation rose compared to the previous month from 1.3% to 1.7% and is still below Sweden's central bank AKA Riksbanken's inflation target of 2% per year measured by CPIF. It was the second month in a row that inflation ended up below Riksbanken's inflation target. This information writes in stone that Riksbanken will make the second reduction of this year's policy rate next week.

One reaction to the fact that inflation for July was lower than the target is that more actors are now requesting a double reduction, i.e 50 points, from Riksbanken on 20 August. One reason for the demand for a double reduction is that Sweden's unemployment and bankruptcies are steadily increasing due to the austerity that occurred because of Riksbanken's previous policy rate increases. Even if Riksbanken's measures take place in real time, it takes time before they are noticed by society and Sweden is drawn deeper into its current recession.

Despite this, I do not think that Riksbanken will let off the brakes, but will continue with reductions of 25 points at a time. At the presentation of the rate of inflation for last month, a Swedish member of parliament thought that as inflation falls, prices would also fall, but it doesn't work that way. The fact that inflation falls and not prices is due to comparing this year's July prices with the prices for July 2023.

America's inflation rate for July was also reported yesterday. Inflation rate falls to 2.9% in July, adding to signs that rising prices have slowed. Consumer price growth in July slowed to its lowest level since the pandemic, a sign that the rising inflation that has gripped the US economy is finally ebbing.

Dow Jones had already priced in the numbers and the market's reaction was moderate.


It was worse than I thought

The world's most perfect teenager, who turns 17 at the end of August, was given a choice on the first day of this year's summer break. One of his summer break days would be used to clean out all the things in his room that he hadn't used in the last few years. He got to choose the day himself. I have regularly asked throughout the entire summer break if the day had come for "operation cleaning" but he kept putting it up.

I didn't want his room to be cluttered with toys at night that could possibly disturb his peace and quiet but also so I wouldn't trip over them when he called me during the night. To avoid this, we furnished one of his larger wardrobes with shelves and storage where we could easily put away all the toys every night. As time went on, the "toy wardrobe" was filled with things until it was almost impossible to open. In recent years, the door has had to be opened with the utmost care as toys literally fell out at the slightest opening.

Yesterday was his last day of his summer break and there was no way out for Junior. Seven hours later, we had completed the project. In total, we threw away two large garbage bags with broken toys, drawings, old school tests, etcetera. There is also eight moving boxes with toys that can be sold, so my best friend and I booked ourselves into a similar flea market or so-called car boot sale that we attended last spring at the beginning of October.

Don't do like us

Today at 8 a.m. (GMT+2), The Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB) will present the Swedish inflation rates for July 2024. The closer the announcement gets, the more experts agree with the expectation that inflation will be significant lower than Riksbanken's target of 2% per year as measured by CPIF.

Experts who only a week ago indicated food prices as a product group that usually rises in price during the summer and thus can be used as a lever for inflation did not rise in price as usual and therefore does not contribute to stabilizing the rate of inflation. If this is true, inflation is likely to fall further. I maintain my expectation of 1.7 percent.

However, I agree with the voice of the critics that Riksbanken, in its eagerness to manage inflation, has pushed too hard with increases in the policy rate. Just like his predecessor Stefan Ingves, the current central bank governor Erik Thedéen seems to lack a vigorous, zestful touch. Stefan Ingves applied a negative policy rate during a boom for many years, while Erik Thedéen, with his focus only on the inflation target, has brought Sweden deeper than necessary into a recession. Both were/are completely dull of hearing to the outside world.

Unlike Sweden, America seems to be seeing the end of its recession. Bank of America Corporation Common Stock (BAC) CEO Brian Moynihan tells CBS they no longer predict a long-term downturn for the economy. (BAC)'s latest forecast indicates that the Federal Reserve's (FED) efforts to bring down inflation while keeping the US economy stable appear to be working. CEO Brian Moynihan says quote "We've won the war on inflation, it's come down. It's not where people want it yet, but we have to be careful that we don't try to be so perfect that we actually end up in a recession." unquote.

Hopefully, the FED will listen to its surroundings, unlike its Swedish colleague Riksbanken, which has run its own race. With devastating outcome.


And so it begins

Since Thursday last week, the school has sent an average of more than 5 emails every day, weekdays as weekends. In addition to the school's platform, ManageBac, there is another platform, Classlist, where PTA and parents add additional information.

Despite all the information the school has provided, some parents are still not satisfied. They are missing the classroom number and which letter to add to the grade, if it is grade 11A or 11B and so on. This information will most likely be on information boards at the school's entrance tomorrow in connection with the roll call. The lack of this information, the relevance of which is important only tomorrow, has given rise to chat threads longer than a marathon so far.

Since this school year will be the world's most perfect teenager's 8th year at this school, I know from experience that the emails will only increase in frequency once the school year officially begins.

The school will require Junior, who officially begins his diploma program tomorrow, to take more responsibility for his education. Wise from experience with the school's previous information flow, I will do everything in my power to support him in this. It is our responsibility as parents to help him in any way we can until he is mature enough to take responsibility for this on his own.

Junior and I will literally be drowning in information starting tomorrow.

Please, pretty please

Today, the Tokyo Stock Exchange opened up, the Nikkei 225 index is +3.45% so far, which may show the way for the other stock markets around the world. Personally, I hope the Dow Jones will follow the Nikkei 225 and go up today.

After redistributing our shareholding yesterday, I need some happy numbers today.

Less bang for the buck

Creaspac is a Swedish acquisition company, a so-called Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC), which was established at the initiative of Creades in March 2021. The company's objective was to acquire and list a previously unlisted company with a market value in the order of USD 1.8–4.4 billion. Should the company not make any acquisitions, the entire purchase price will be refunded to the investors. We chose to buy 200 shares in (SPAC) in 2021.

At the extraordinary general meeting of Creaspac AB on July 17, 2024, it was decided that the company would go into liquidation and that an automatic redemption procedure would be carried out before then. Nasdaq Stockholm approved Creaspac's application for delisting and decided that the last day for trading would be Thursday, July 25, 2024.

We have received our purchase money back and will invest it for a return this time. Should a similar opportunity arise in the future, it is possible that we will take a chance again.

More stability at the expense of dividends

Yesterday we sold off all holdings in TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. Ordinary share (TPVG). (TPVG) current yield is 22.79% but having a holding that has steadily lost value since 2022 is not an option.

We replaced (TPVG) with Ares Capital Corporation Common Stock (ARCC), British American Tobacco Industries, p.l.c. Common Stock ADR (BTI), NNN REIT, Inc. Common Stock (NNN) and Oxford Lane Capital Corp. Common Stock (OXLC). This reallocation reduced our annual dividend by $639 because all the acquisitions we made except (OXLC) have a current yield of less than 10%.

Hopefully the portfolio as a whole will be more stable in terms of value.

I was right the first time

It was the condominium association Innovation and not DSAM Sverige AB that last requested Oscar Properties Holdings AB (OP) into bankruptcy and then withdrew it after the the parties agreed yesterday. DSAM Sweden AB were the ones who applied for (OP) in bankruptcy on the previous occasion.

The Stockholm district court was supposed to have decided on bankruptcy at 11 a.m. yesterday, but after the parties approached each other, the deadline was moved to 2 p.m. The parties came to an agreement and the threat of bankruptcy was averted this time as well. Trading was volatile in (OP) yesterday and just before 2 p.m. the price was up 400% compared to the opening price.

It will be exciting to see if (OP) also survives the next bankruptcy filing. The Swedish Tax Agency has requested Oscar Properties into bankruptcy. The reason for this is because of a tax debt of just over $180,000. That hearing will be held on August 22.

It is the fifth time the company has been subject to a bankruptcy filing.

Group 3's extra dividend during September

March, June, September and December AKA group 3 continue to outperform and give us an extra boost. Below are the companies that make a special or supplemental dividend during September 2024.

Capital Southwest Corporation Common Stock (CSWC), ¢6 with pay date September 30, 2024
Fidus Investment Corporation Common Stock (FDUS), ¢14 with pay day September 26, 2024
Golub Capital BDC, Inc. Common Stock (GBDC), ¢5 with pay day September 13, 2024
Main Street Capital Corporation Common Stock (MAIN), ¢30 with pay day September 27, 2024
New Mountain Finance Corporation Common Stock (NMFC), ¢2 with pay day September 30, 2024
Sixth Street Specialty Lending, Inc. Common Stock (TSLX), ¢6 with pay day September 20, 2024


My bad

I was wrong about who it was that last requested Oscar Properties Holding AB (OP) into bankruptcy. It was not the condominium association Innovation but the real estate company DSAM Sverige AB. Today, DSAM Sverige AB has withdrawn its bankruptcy application against (OP) and (OP's) share price is soaring on the Swedish stock exchange. At one point, the share price had risen by more than 73% compared to the opening price.

The withdrawal of the application takes place after (OP) has paid its debt to DSAM Sweden AB. The response from (OP) after DSAM Sverige AB withdrew the bankruptcy application was to request the money back in an arbitration procedure. (OP) has large tax debts and there is a rumor that the Swedish Tax Agency intends to file for (OP) bankruptcy if the tax debt is not settled.

With four lives used up, (OP) has at least five left…

A dream came true

Last night at 1:30 a.m. (GMT+2) one of my wishes I have had for as long as I can remember came true, I saw a shooting star. Or rather, part of the meteor shower called the Perseids, which is caused by comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids pass Stockholm around August 12th every year, but this year was the first time we went out to watch them. Since we live in the middle of Stockholm, we drove out to the outer edge of the city to minimize the light from the city.

Earlier in the evening it had rained heavily and the sky was completely covered with thick clouds. Me and the world's most perfect teenager were most excited about this and stayed up until midnight to go out on the balcony to make sure that the clouds had blown away. For the first time in a long time the meteorologists were right, not a cloud as far as we could see.

When I woke the world's most perfect husband who had fallen asleep, I guess he wished the sky had been cloudy instead, but when we got there and saw the meteor shower, he appreciated it almost as much as I did.

Junior took the opportunity to practice drive for the first time at night. Besides one of my dreams coming true, it was a cozy outing with the whole family.


It was very successful

Yesterday was the big family reunion at my parents' summer house in the Stockholm archipelago. We were very lucky with the weather, sunny and a little windy but no cold or rain. There were so many new faces and names to take in that it became impossible. At one point my mom even asked a person who he was and it turned out to be her first cousin.

I met many of my second cousins ​​that I have never met before. The world's most perfect teenager met some of his third cousins ​​for the first time and quickly got bored because no one was his age. Also, one of his best friends had just returned to Sweden after being back in his home country for the summer and wanted to meet online.

My parents' summer house is only ten minutes' walk from the main road that crosses the island. There is only one bus on the island, luckily this bus has its final destination at a metro station on the same line as where we live. After lunch, he was allowed to take the bus, which only runs 3 times a day, back home. The journey home for him took a total of more than 2 hours but he was very happy to go.

The catering company mum and dad had hired did a fantastic job. It is unbelievable how many relatives are lactose and/or gluten sensitive. In addition, there were several vegetarians. Mom had done a good job of having food for everyone.

The company with 9 lives

Oscar Properties Holding AB (OP), a Swedish company that is listed on the Swedish stock exchange and whose business idea is to buy, develop and sell properties in attractive locations in Stockholm and other metropolitan regions, has been requested to go bankrupt for the fourth time. The previous applications have been withdrawn. This time it is a condominium association, Brf Innovationen, which has applied (OP) for bankruptcy.

Because of this, Richard Bagge, CEO (OP) issued a press release on August 7, 2024 that received a lot of attention. In this press release, Richard Bagge wrote quotes "At the same time, I can hope that Brf Innovationen are satisfied. They have achieved their goal, a probable bankruptcy on Monday. In a bankruptcy, the outcome for them will be zero, zilch as they say in English, I have tried to explain to them so many times, both by phone and email. They are left with their attorney's bill that they hope the estate will pay, but they have to join all the other creditors." unquote.

An attorney with knowledge of (OP) tells a Swedish newspaper that he quote "would not be surprised if some kind of settlement proposal suddenly appeared from the company's side". unquote.

Tomorrow, August 12, 2024 at 11 a.m. (GMT+2) we will know if (OP) survived another bankruptcy filing or if this was the last nail in the coffin for the company.

Sweden's central bank will most likely disappoint

The Swedish inflation rate according to CPIF (Consumer Price Index with fixed interest rate) was 1.1% in September, which is a decrease from...