
He will undeservedly be perceived as overbearing

The summer in Sweden has, apart from a few days in May and June, been classically Swedish. The last few days the temperature has fluctuated between 68°F (20°C) and 77°F (25°C). The evenings are really chilly, dropping to around 62°F (17 °C).

I really hope that the weather will be better in mid-August when we will have a big family reunion with my mother's side. Mum and dad have invited everyone to their summer house, in total we will be over 90 people. I have never met most of them as many of them live in northern Sweden. The world's most perfect teenager believes that his total collection of relatives consists of 4 cousins, 3 aunts and 4 grandparents. That my mother's side includes about 80 will be a surprise.

I know from experience that it can be difficult to understand what people from northern Sweden say, because of their dialect. There is a lot to be desired when it comes to Junior's Swedish, he still "Swedishizes" English words when he doesn't know what they are called in Swedish. I'm not sure how my relatives from northern Sweden will perceive my son when he will most likely ask them to speak English instead.

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