
Junior's thinking of Switzerland and I dream of Florida

The advantage of waking up early, 5:10 a.m. (GMT+2), I get time to myself so I can work for an hour or two without it affecting the day's activities even though I'm actually on vacation. I've always had the ability to fall asleep anywhere and anytime without a problem. All of this changed with menopause, although it has gotten better lately. So far I've worked every single day of my vacation except for 3 days, one of which I was in bed with a migraine that only subsided when I threw up.

We will most likely not leave Sweden this summer, although there is much to be desired when it comes to the weather. Hopefully we'll go away one weekend to play golf with Junior. I would have preferred to go back to Florida, USA, but there is no financial room for that right now. There is no place in the world where I felt more at home than in Florida.

Despite this, I have no desire to sell holdings to travel, the portfolio must be allowed to grow strong so that we can stop working if the world's most perfect teenager chooses to leave Sweden for higher studies. Since he carries my heart around, we "must" move if he moves.

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