
I'm not on a crusade against Gen Z, but

For full transparency and agenda, I am the mom of a son born in the latter half of Gen Z's time frame. The blame for Gen Z's inability to understand that others may know better than them lies with their parents, i.e. Gen X. To which I myself belong.

Our ambition to let them participate and make decisions too early in life has contributed to them believing that they can and know everything even though they are only about 25 years old. I can see it myself in my son and his friends, despite being only 16-17 years old. It is not easy to raise someone to believe in themselves but at the same time to be humble for someone else can know better is not easy.

When the world's most perfect teenager was a toddler, I often told him quote "because I say so" unquotes instead of trying to explain something he didn't have the ability to understand because of his young age. However, I have often heard parents trying to explain something to their toddlers who instead became confused and the situation escalated instead. We see the result of this upbringing now when a whole generation believes they can and know best, despite the fact that they are only in their 20s and cannot possibly have the same experience as a 40-year-old.

This morning I ran up against a brick wall when I contacted Nordea for the second time about the same matter. The young woman who answered Nordea's customer service today had exactly the same attitude as the young man last week. Rudely and superiorly she explained to me quote "that sometimes it takes an extra day before the dividend appears in the account" unquote. I calmly and politely replied that I am aware that it may take an extra day or two but not a week.

I tried to tell her that this is the third month in a row that there have been problems with the dividend of Main Street Capital Corporation Common Stock (MAIN) and that my experience indicates that there may be a fault between Nordea and their partners, but she did not want to hear about it.

There was the same problem with another stock on our endowment insurance with Nordnet last year. The fourth month I called Nordnet about the affected stock they identified the problem and took action. Since then, the dividend for the stock has worked flawlessly.

While I envy Gen Z's belief in themselves, they need to fuc**** man up and start doing their jobs before they turn me into an old bat, premature.

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