
Evolution's big miss

Almost every parent wishes and hopes that their offspring will be like them in some way. Because we parents are desperate for some kind of likeness, we accept anything, looks, way of dressing or even bad manners. 😉

Equally or even more, there is not a single offspring that in any way wants to resemble its parent. Considering how amazing the world and nature is created, this deviation should never have existed.

Even though I love my mom more than anything, I definitely don't want to look like her. Every time someone says I look like her, it sends shivers down my spine. The world's most perfect teenager feels exactly the same every time someone says he looks like his dad.

Yesterday me, Junior, my mom and Junior's cousin played golf together. When we met in the parking lot, I was struck by how much my nephew resembles his dad. I refrained from mentioning it.

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