
🎶 I want it all 🎶 🎶

While I always want to invest all my surplus, I have also seen a handbag that I want. Before we were blessed with the world's most perfect offspring, I often bought designer handbags, which means that today I have almost a bag for every occasion.

These days I always have to have my reading glasses with me. I don't have a purse that's the perfect size for a pair of reading glasses, a pair of sunglasses, a cell phone, and a small key ring. All my bags are either to big or to small. However, Dior has the most perfect bag for this purpose.

I've been saving up for this bag and finally have the money, unfortunately the bag is out of stock at the moment. The longer time goes by, the more tempted I become to ignore the bag and invest the money instead. The person who encourages me the most to buy the bag is the world's most perfect husband who thinks you have to live too, not just save.

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