
There's no such thing as a free lunch

For full transparency, I am politically very far from the Swedish Social Democrats and socialism.

A post on a social platform popped up in my feed where one person thought swimming schools for kids should be free. A spot for a child at a swimming school in Sweden costs about $160 per child per semester.

For this service to be free for the practitioner, it means that someone else has to pay. When someone wants a service, and sometimes a product, to be free of charge, this person always means that the service or product should be paid for with tax money.

Since, thankfully, the state only has access to a certain part of your salary each year, this means in reality that someone else has to pay if swimming schools are to be financed with tax dollars. You have to take tax money from one group and give it to another.

Which could mean that a disabled person does not get the help they need because swimming schools are to be financed instead. Provided that the state does not intend to increase the tax so that it covers swimming schools as well.

Which in turn means that people who have not chosen or for that matter can have children have to pay for other people's children swimming school.

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