
Most people think I exaggerate my actual working hours

When I meet people who don't know someone who owns their business or an entrepreneur, I'm always amazed at their complete lack of understanding of how hard people like us actually work. Whether it's Saturday, Sunday, Christmas, Easter, birthday, wedding anniversary, etc. doesn't matter, there's always some work that needs to be done.

Today, for example, I did all the salaries, reported them to the Swedish Tax Agency and ultimately entered them in the accounting. Since almost all invoices today are sent via email, I receive invoices every day of the week. So when the salaries was done I also entered the invoices we received today in the accounting. Tomorrow morning when I wake up there will be new invoices in my email.

The alternative, however, would be terrible. If we do not receive invoices, we have not had to replenish the stock, which in turn means that we have not sold anything.

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