
Google Sheets forever

Since there is no way for Google Sheet to retrieve my executed dividends from my bank accounts, this particular information must be filled in manually. Even if there was a way, I wouldn't allow it. So from January, the world's most perfect husband and I will resume our weekly activity where we sit on the sofa with each computer on our lap. He reads out the week's dividends, which I fill in the spreadsheet.

I had never bought a single stock before I met my hubby. He had already been saving and investing for years. At that time he read newspapers that came out both weekly and monthly. Nowadays, there is so much more information available 24/7. His view of alone time is to sit with his nose in the computer and read various economic news.

Of course, the purpose of saving and investing money was to make money. Everything else is a lie. But seeing summaries and charts emerge as we fill in information is exciting. To test the reliability of the spreadsheet, I have added the executed dividends with the expected dividends for December to get a check against all of 2022.

As of 12.31, the ex-dividend column should be higher than expected since I'm ignoring special dividends. Otherwise, the spreadsheet is incorrect.
Click to enlarge

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