
To put all one's egg in one basket

There are approximately 3,300 people in Sweden who had their entire premium pension in Russia funds. Premium pension is part of the Swedish general pension. Each year, 2.5% of your pensionable income and other taxable compensation is set aside for the premium pension. You choose yourself whether you want to invest the money through fund selection or whether you let the money remain in the government's pre-selection option AP7.

Those with holdings in Russia Funds had their holdings completely erased in February when the Moscow Stock Exchange closed. For the approximately 3,300 who have had their entire premium pension deleted, this means a loss of income of approximately $100-$200 a month. About 24,000 people had a portion of the premium pension in Russia funds will, starting at the turn of the year, have their payments reduced by about $100 per month forever.

5 years ago, my premium pension consisted of 50% Russian funds. For some reason that I can't remember today, I decided to sell off the entire Russia holding. Sometimes it turns out very well.

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